Friday, April 7, 2023

Wednesday Night

Wednesday night, April 5, 2023

Dear Something's Happening with Roy Tuckman, KPFK is starting its spring fund drive. I want to encourage you to make a generous contribution to the station and become a monthly sustainer, which is good for all of us. I will not bore you with yak yak yak about this and that of the station and foundation. There is a reason why you listen and have been listening to the station, especially during Something's Happening show. So, I want to plea with you to make a generous contribution during the program by calling 818-985-5735or go to and click on DONATE button and follow a few easy steps to make your generous contribution. I will repeat this message through out the week as we both understand the importance of keeping the station alive and on the air.
Also, I am looking for one person, and I mean you, to make a generous $250K contribution, you can make monthly payments, to help the station and foundation out. I will personally arrange a meeting with the Boss Lady for you to have detailed information conversation with her—this includes a glass of wine or two! So, please call 818-985-5735 or go to

12:00-1:06 am: Dave Emory, For The Record #1282, interview #19 with Jim DiEugenio and David Talbod.

Website:    link:

1:09-2:06 am: The Ralph Nader Radio Hour: The topic of this show is “How the financial markets abandoned us” with guest Nomi Prins, who is an economist, author, geopolitical financial expert, and financial historian. She is the author of several books and her latest one is Permanent Distortion: How Financial Markets Abandoned the Real Economy Forever. This show is from April 1.


Ralph Nader personal website:

2:09-2:43 am: the Chris Hedges report podcast; Chris Hedges will be in conversation with Lori Grinker on the images of war you don't see and photographing the rise and fall of the boxer Mike Tyson. This episode is from March 30.


2:45-3:15 am: Economic Update by professor Richard Wolff. This is on the topic of The Marxist Tradition from March 30. Professor Wolff discusses the history and diversity of Marxist theories and practices that comprise the Marxist tradition.

Link: websites: and

3:16-4:42 am: The Thom Hartmann program, a rebroadcast of yesterday's show. Website:

4:44-6:00 am: Special program. A talk by professor, economist, Jeffery Sachs on the topic of "Geopolitics of Peace", from March 2, 2023, that was given at Oxford university. Jeffrey Sachs is a world-renowned economics professor, bestselling author, and global leader in sustainable development. Sachs serves as the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he holds the rank of University Professor. Sachs was the Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University from 2002 to 2016. 


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Tuesday Night

Tuesday Nigfht, 4 April 2023.

12:00-1:40 am: let’s start the show with Senator Bernie Sanders (I Vermont) chairperson of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) committee. The topic of this hearing is “No Company is above the law: the need to end illegal union busting at Starbucks.” Which are the tactics used by Starbucks, especially its CEO Schultz, who is being questioned by the committee’s senators. Please pay very close attention to the language used by Mr. Schultz and Republican senators questions—senators Rand Paul of Kentucky and Paul Cassidy of Louisiana, and Braun who comes out in support of unions. The hearing was held on March 29 and lasted three hours; I am only bringing you a little over an hour of the hearing and have left out other committee senators’ Q&A—most of them are rhetoric and lies and lies. Also, stay tuned to hear testimonies of fired employees—heart wrenching.
1:40-3:00 am: A talk by Paul Stamets on “mushrooms, mycology of consciousness”. Paul Stamets is a speaker, author, mycologist, medical researcher and entrepreneur, is considered an intellectual and industry leader in fungi habitat, medicinal use, and production. The talk was given at EcoFarm Conference in 2017.


3:00-4:40 am: The Thom Hartmann Program, a rebroadcast of yesterday's show

4:45-6:00 am: A special program on the assassination of Martin Luther King (MLK), which happened on April 4, 1963, 55 years ago at the Lorraine Motel, in Memphis Tennessee. This is a talk by William Pepper, attorney for James Earl Ray, the so called assassin of MLK. The topic of this talk is "An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King" and "Orders to Kill: The Truth Behind the Murder of Martin Luther King" given February 27, 2003 in Seattle.


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Monday Night

Monday Night 3 April 2023.

Dear Something's Happening with Roy Tuckman, KPFK is starting its spring fund drive. I want to encourage you to make a generous contribution to the station and become a monthly sustainer, which is good for all of us. I will not bore you with yak yak yak about this and that of the station and foundation. There is a reason why you listen and have been listening to the station, especially during Something's Happening show. So, I want to plea with you to make a generous contribution during the program by calling 818-985-5735or go to and click on DONATE button and follow a few easy steps to make your generous contribution. I will repeat this message through out the week as we both understand the importance of keeping the station alive and on the air. Also, I am looking for one person, and I mean you, to make a generous $250K contribution, you can make monthly payments, to help the station and foundation out. I will personally arrange a meeting with the Boss Lady for you to have detailed information conversation with her—this includes a glass of wine or two! So, please call 818-985-5735 or go to 12:00-1:05 am: Dr. Cornel West on the “Historical philosophy of WEB Du Bois on the “Souls of black folk”. Part 4 of 9. Link: 1:05-3:05 am: Old Time Radio show with Bob Lyons and Barbara Sunday or Don't Touch That Dial (DTTD). 3:06-05:04 am: The Thom Hartmann program, a rebroadcast of yesterday's show. 5:05-6:00 am: Special program. This is a talk by professor Mark Blyth, economist, author, on the topic of "Between Devil and the Deep Red Sea: European Economies Confront a Turbulent World". Mark Blyth is Director of Brown University’s William R. Rhodes Center for International Economics and Finance with a joint appointment in political science. Dr. Blyth’s research spans two main areas: the political power of economic ideas and the political economy of the rich democracies. Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea, The Future of the Euro, and Angrynomics. His forthcoming book is The New Politics of Growth and Stagnation. He is a scotland native from a working class family and the only reason he was able to attend university was because at the time it is financed by taxes and tuition free. Link: