Friday, April 21, 2023

Thursday Night

Thursday Night, April 20, 2023


1) LA festival of Books will occur this weekend, 22 and 23 of April, at USC, and kpfk will be at booth number 887. I will be there on Sunday from 10am-2pm and will be happy to see you there.

2) Fundraising: Dear Something's happening (SH) listeners, Kpfk is in the middle of its third week of spring fund drive. Let me share with you the stats so far: the cumulative amount up to now is $65K, and during Something's Happening hours, $2100 has been raised. You might be skeptical of the situation at the station and its building, which is for sale, and needs a lot of repairs and retrofits. Let me share with you that I am NOT married to a building; I care about the signal, which is intact and will not be affected by whether the building is sold or not. Let’s make sure we will have a kpfk on the air. You know kpfk very well—it’s been on the air for over 63 years. I want to encourage you to make a generous contribution to the station and become a monthly sustainer. Something’s Happening show has been on the air for 45 years with Roy Tuckman! So, I want to plea with you to make a generous contribution during SH program, 12 midnight to 6 am, by calling 818-985-7535 or go to, click on DONATE button, and follow a few easy steps to make your generous contribution. Can one of you donate a $1000, can another one you donate $500, how about $250, and of course your generous $50 is most welcomed. kpfk is here for you and because of you. Please call 818-985-7535 or go to, click on DONATE button, and make your generous contribution. I have not compromised content for the sake of fundraising and pitching. I need your financial support during these hours.

Also, I am still looking for one person to make a generous $250K contribution; it can be monthly payments, to help the station and foundation out. So, please call 818-985-7535 or go to I will welcome your $100K as well as $50 contribution; however, I am looking for one person, you, who has lifelong benefited from the programming, to make a generous $250K contribution. Please call 818-985-7535 or go to

12:00-1:08 am: Jack Gariss: on the topic of Letters to a Wayfarer, part 2 of 3. This lecture begins with human evolution, bringing together religion and science in a discussion of humanity, nature, and the universe, and ends with talks about the human mind, consciousness, and meditation. Jack Gariss was an American spiritual teacher and meditation instructor, and a radio personality and had his own show on KPFK in Los Angeles from the 1960s until his death in Los Angeles in 1985.

1:08-2:00 am: Tami Simon, director of Sounds True, in conversation with Dr. Elissa Epel on the topic of The Stress Prescription. Dr. Epel is psychiatrist and author, expert on stress, well-being, and optimal aging. She is a professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, at the University of California, San Francisco. What kind of attitude and skills are needed today to deal with the stress so many are feeling? Website:

2:00-3:00 am: Caroline Casey, Visionary Activist, of Coyote network news in conversation with Robert Ovetz on the topic of his latest book “We The Elites: Why the US Constitution Serves the Few”. Website:

3:00-4:40 am: The Thom Hartmann program, a rebroadcast of yesterday's show.

4:40-6:00 am: Special program: This is a conversation/discussion/collaboration between Professor Michael Hudson, economist, author, and Radhika Desai, economist, author, of Geopolitical Economy Hour, discussing "The Rise of US Dollar Imperialism, and Why It Failed?". This is part four of this series, which I will continue to cover during next week from 5 to 6am.

Mansoor Sabbagh, director of
Global Voices for Justice, Est. 2003
A non-profit media organization

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Wednesday Night

Program Night for Wednesday Night April 19, 2023


1) It is a sad day in the media world that the so called Fox "News", Rupert Murdock, and its lying hosts escaped testifying in the court.

2) LA festival of Books will occur this weekend, 22 and 23 of April, at USC, and kpfk will be at booth number 887. I will be there on Sunday from 10am-2pm and will be happy to see you there.

3) Fundraising: Dear Something's happening (SH) listeners, Kpfk is in the middle of its third week of spring fund drive . Let me share with you the stats so far: the cumulative amount up to now is $60K, and during Something's Happening hours, $1882 has been raised. You might be skeptical of the situation at the station and its building, which is for sale, and needs a lot of repairs and retrofits. Let me share with you that I am NOT married to a building; I care about the signal, which is intact and will not be affected by whether the building is sold or not. Let’s make sure we will have a kpfk on the air. You know kpfk very well—it’s been on the air for over 63 years. I want to encourage you to make a generous contribution to the station and become a monthly sustainer. Something’s Happening show has been on the air for 45 years with Roy Tuckman! So, I want to plea with you to make a generous contribution during SH program, 12 midnight to 6 am, by calling 818-985-7535 or go to, click on DONATE button, and follow a few easy steps to make your generous contribution. Can one of you donate a $1000, can another one you donate $500, how about $250, and of course your generous $50 is most welcomed. kpfk is here for you and because of you. Please call 818-985-7535 or go to, click on DONATE button, and make your generous contribution. I have not compromised content for the sake of fundraising and pitching. I need your financial support during these hours.

Also, I am still looking for one person to make a generous $250K contribution; it can be monthly payments, to help the station and foundation out. So, please call 818-985-7535 or go to I will welcome your $100K as well as $50 contribution; however, I am looking for one person, you, who has lifelong benefited from the programming, to make a generous $250K contribution. Please call 818-985-7535 or go to

12:00-1:08 am: Dave Emory, For The Record 1284 interview #21 with Jim DiEugenio about JFK revisited.



1:08-2:10 am: The Ralph Nader Radio Hour: on the topic of “Falls Aren’t Funny”, the leading cause of accidental injuries in the US. Ralph Nader welcomes safety expert, Russell Kendzior, who runs the National Floor Safety Institute to discuss where, why and how slip-and-falls happen, how to prevent them.


Websites:, and Ralph Nader's personal is

2:10-2:44 am: The Chris Hedges Report podcast. Chris Hedges is in conversation with Dan Cohen and Kim Ives on the topic of "Haiti's neocolonial dictatorship, paramilitary and police terror, and popular resistance." This episode is from April 13.


2:45-3:18 am: Economic Update: by professor Richard Wolff on the topic of Medicare For All, from 13 April. Prof. Wolff discusses the issue of single-payer health care with Dr. William Bronston.


3:18-4:40 am: The Thom Hartmann Program: A rebroadcast of yesterday's show.

4:41-6:00 am: Special program. This is a conversation/discussion/collaboration between Professor Michael Hudson, economist, author, and Radhika Desai, economist, author, of Geopolitical Economy Hour, discussion on the topic of "Understanding money and the dollar system's contradictions", especially the issue of de-dollarization of trade. This is part three of this series.


Mansoor Sabbagh, director of
Global Voices for Justice, Est. 2003
A non-profit media organization

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Tuesday Night

Tuesday Night,  April 18, 2023

Note: KPFK (media sponsor of LAT festival of books at USC) will be at booth #887, and I will be there on Sunday, 23rd, from 10am till 2pm and would be very happy to see you there.

Fund drive update: Dear Something's happening (SH) listeners, KPFK is in the 3rd week of its spring fund drive. Let me share with you the stats so far: the cumulative amount is $46K in two weeks and during SH hours $1750 has been raised. You might be skeptical of the situation at the station and its building, which is for sale, and needs a lot of repairs and retrofits. Let me share with you that I am NOT married to a building; I care about the signal, which is intact and will not be affected by whether the building is sold or not. Let’s make sure we will have a kpfk on the air. You know kpfk very well—it’s been on the air for over 63 years. I want to encourage you to make a generous contribution to the station and become a monthly sustainer. Something’s Happening show has been on the air for 45 years with Roy Tuckman! So, I want to plea with you to make a generous contribution during SH program, 12 midnight to 6 am, by calling 818-985-7535 or go to, click on DONATE button, and follow a few easy steps to make your generous contribution. Can one of you donate a $1000, can another one of you donate $500, how about $250, and of course your generous $50 is most welcomed. kpfk is here for you and because of you. Please call 818-985-7535 or go to, click on DONATE button, and make your generous contribution. I have not compromised content for the sake of fundraising and pitching. I need your financial support during these hours.

Also, I am still looking for one person to make a generous $250K contribution; it can be monthly payments, to help the station and foundation out. So, please call 818-985-7535 or go to I will welcome your $100K as well as $50 contribution; however, I am looking for one person, you, who has lifelong benefited from the programming, to make a generous $250K contribution. Please call 818-985-7535 or go to

12:00-1:30 am: Let Food Be Thy Medicine. This is a panel discussion/conversation. The panelists name as they start talking: Gorden Saxe, MD, Anita Wilson with Gerson Institute, Sheila Patel with Chopra Center for Wellness, Michelle Ciccarelli Moderator, Zen Honeycutt Moms Across America, John Fagan Health Research Institute, and Stepheni Norton farmer Dickson farm, Farmacy. Collaboration with UC San Diego. You might want to take notes, so get ready!


1:30-2:06 am: A talk by Dr. Harriet Fraad, psychologist, on the topic of Family, a Feminist Class Analysis; the history of the traditional family unit and a class analysis of how it has shifted and evolved since the 1700s. She is the host of podcast Capitalism Hits Home.

2:08-3:15 am: Tami Simon, director of Sounds True, in conversation with Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, an author, poet, ordained Zen Buddhist priest, teacher, and artist, whose diverse background, education, and experience all provide a unique integral and cultural perspective within the space of religion and spirituality. She is the author of The Shamanic Bones of Zen, The Way of Tenderness, The Deepest Peace, and her latest one is Opening to Darkness: Eight Gateways for Being with the Absence of Light in Unsettling Times, and how we can begin to change the way we relate to darkness and blackness.


3:18-4:45 am: The Thom Hartmann program, a rebroadcast of yesterday's show.


4:50-6:00 am: Special program: This is a is a conversation/discussion/collaboration between Professor Michael Hudson, economist, author, and Radhika Desai, economist, author, of Geopolitical Economy Hour, discuss inflation: what it is, what causes it, and what are the problems in how the Federal Reserve and other central banks respond to it. This is part two of this series, which I will cover during this week from 5 to 6am.


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Monday Night

Monday Night, April 17, 2023.

Note: Last Monday night the station had technical problem beyond immediate repair; therefore, the program was not broadcast, which we will hear tonight. The problem was solved later. Thank you for your concerns; all is well.

Fund drive update: Dear Something's happening (SH) listeners, KPFK is in the 3rd week of its spring fund drive. Let me share with you the stats so far: the cumulative amount is $43K in two weeks and during SH hours $711 has been raised. You might be skeptical of the situation at the station and its building, which is for sale, and needs a lot of repairs and retrofits. Let me share with you that I am NOT married to a building; I care about the signal, which is intact and will not be affected by whether the building is sold or not. Let’s make sure we will have a kpfk on the air. You know kpfk very well—it’s been on the air for over 63 years. I want to encourage you to make a generous contribution to the station and become a monthly sustainer. Something’s Happening show has been on the air for 45 years with Roy Tuckman! So, I want to plea with you to make a generous contribution during SH program, 12 midnight to 6 am, by calling 818-985-7535 or go to, click on DONATE button, and follow a few easy steps to make your generous contribution. Can one of you donate a $1000, can another one of you donate $500, how about $250, and of course your generous $50 is most welcomed. kpfk is here for you and because of you. Please call 818-985-7535 or go to, click on DONATE button, and make your generous contribution. I have not compromised content for the sake of fundraising and pitching. I need your financial support during these hours.

Also, I am still looking for one person to make a generous $250K contribution; it can be monthly payments, to help the station and foundation out. So, please call 818-985-7535 or go to I will welcome your $100K as well as $50 contribution; however, I am looking for one person, you, who has lifelong benefited from the programming, to make a generous $250K contribution. Please call 818-985-7535 or go to

12:00-1:04 am: Dr. Cornel West: lecture on the “Historical philosophy of WEB Du Bois on the “Souls of black folk”. Part 5 of 9.

Dr. West really needs no introduction but just in case we have new listeners, Dr. West is a philosopher, professor, a radical Christian Theologian, and an author. Dr. West’s achievements are too vast to mention all of them here: he is people’s philosopher and has participated in antiwar, peace, and social justice movements in his entire life.

Dr. Cornel West taught a summer session at Dartmouth college in 2017 on the topic of the Historical Philosophy of WEB Du Bois of The Souls of Black Folk, and I am very pleased to bring you these lectures.



1:07-2:04 am: Scholars' Circle on the topic of "Women Protest in Iran, a Persistent Struggle" from 2 April 2023.


2:08-3:06 am: Alternative Radio show. Noam Chomsky in conversation with David Barsamian, director of AR, on the topic of "When Lunatics Run the Asylum", which was recorded on March 22, 2023. If you wish to get a copy of this program, please call 8004441977 or visit or

3:07-4:55 am: The Thom Hartmann program, a rebroadcast of yesterday's show.

4:57-6:00 am: Special program: This is a conversation/discussion/collaboration between Professor Michael Hudson, economist, author, and Radhika Desai, economist, author, on the topic of “Analyzing the Rise of the multipolar world”, who will discuss many current issues and development in changing economy, including but not limited to inflation, oil prices dedollarization, and multipolarity . In this program, they will cover the big ideas of multipolarity and decline of US hegemony. This is part one of the series, which I will cover during this week from 5 to 6am.
