Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Gary Null program info: 1 (646) 926-5422   Gary is on live Mon-Fri9am Pacific time on the Progressive Radio Network -     Gary's archives are free to all at   (The Gary Null shows are now under "G" and the "Progressive Commentary Shows are under "P" and Talkback Shows under "T.")   L.A. Health Support Group info:  Ron  (714) 757-8437 or<<>>   Listen to Gary on the phone at (619) 550-0869.   Luanne Pennesi, (631)<>

12-1 Gary Null Program   02-22-13

Health Updates: blood sugar; brain function & statin drugs; oregano; peanut allergies; Green Tea- EGCG- & brain health; organic sulfur- garlic.

In the News: the worst drought in 1000 years coming soon; more snow & ice melting; fracking; 5 Bubbles about to burst- finance & energy.

Commentaries: "The Obama Era- Liberal Fascism in America" [Norman Pollack<>];  "Drones Over There, Total Surveillance Over Here".            [Saskia Sassen<>].

1-1:05 Janee Taylor, "Dognoir"  "Animals in research."

1:05-2 Gary Null Program  02-25-13

Health Updates: high fat diet; red grapes; omega-3 lipid emulsions may curb brain damage after stroke.

"Millennials Come of Age as America's Most Stressed Generation" [Arianna Huffington 19Feb13]. President Eisenhower's farewell address.  Prof. Melvin Goodman "National Insecurity: The  Cost of American Militarism".

2-3 Gary Null Program  02-26-13

Health Updates: Manuka honey inhibits growth of cancer cells; the Mediterranean Diet; plant based diet, extra virgin olive oil & nuts reduce risk of cardiac event 30%; NAC, antioxidants improve liver donation rate 90%.

Comments on ALEC.  "Liberalism's Death Bell" [Gary Null, Richard Gale<>] "

3-4 Gary Null Program  02-27-13

Health Updates: L-Carnitine; fruits' super powers; tomatoes, dandelion & hawthorn trump Obamacare; omega 3 fatty acids inhibit breast cancer tumor growth 30%.

Dr. Julia Assante - "The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death"

4-5 Gary Null Program  04-15-13PCH
The plight of the honey bee.

Larissa Walker.

Dr. Neil Carman<>.

Steve Ellis

5-6 Gary Null Live

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