Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tuesday Night

Prog Notes S H 09 18 24

12 AM
Street Sankofa with Dr. Ife Jie
HipHop and the Super Bowl half-time show
Artivist and scholar looks at the good, the bad and the ugly with a critical perspective on the impact of HipHop in relation to mental liberation and individual and social wellness.

plus Labor History in Two minutes and Pacifica's electoral news headlines, "2024 Talks"

1:00 AM
Herbal Highway from sister station KPFA
Resilience part 1
Resilience in Mind
(KPFA is starting their fall fund drive early, as they skipped their summer drive, so this is a short episode, as we edited out their pitching)

1:45 AM
Mindfulness U - Guided Mindfulness Meditation with Diane Winston
"Body Scan"

2:00 AM
Food Sleuth Radio with Melinda Hemmelgarn
Crop rotation and Biodiversity
Did you know that Midwestern industrial agriculture influences our national food system? Join Food Sleuth Radio host and Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn for her conversation with Audrey Tran Lam, MPH, Environmental Health Program Director at the Center for Energy & Environmental Education, at the University of Northern IA. Tran Lam explains how increasing crop rotations and biodiversity could significantly reduce our dependence on expensive and harmful nitrogen fertilizers and herbicides. And, she describes the effects of climate change on agriculture, the connection between Midwestern agriculture and national food consumption, our environment and public health.
Related Websites:
Farming for Public Health:
Industrial Farming and Public Health conference:

[Note: Green Street has been moved up to the daytime schedule and can be heard Tuesdays at 2:30 PM)

2:30 AM
Prison Pipeline: Barriers to Healthcare Access in Prison
Healthcare Access and Financial Barriers to Care Among People Incarcerated in US Prisons. Host Doug McVay is joined in conversation by Emily Lupez, MD, MPH, a General Medicine and Primary Care Research Fellow at Cambridge Health Alliance and Harvard Medical School and lead author of an article published August 5, 2024 in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine entitled Health, Access to Care, and Financial Barriers to Care Among People Incarcerated in US Prisons.

3:00 AM
Whole Mother from sister station KPFT
Kathleen Wilson, Doula
Kathleen Wilson is a founding member of TLC Doula Group, owner of Labor Enabler™ Doula Services and Co-Owner of Rebel Birth Education and Resource Haven. She has been a doula since 2003. She has not only taken several doula trainings, but is the founder of the Labor Enabler Doula Apprenticeship Program. She spends her time teaching and volunteering within the reproductive community. Kathleen loves working in all environments and with all care providers to ensure her clients have their best possible birth.

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from Hartmann's non-commercial broadcast from yesterday Sept. 17

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