Thursday, September 12, 2024

Wednesday Night

Prog Notes S H 09 12 24

12:00 AM
For the Record with Dave Emory
Dave continues his extended conversation with his new co-host Monty

1:00 AM
Grayzone Radio
Rules Based Repression Part 2
Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate continue their discussion of a wave of arrests of dissidents across the global West, as well Pavel Durov's repression. They will also complete Max's coverage of the DNC 2024, Kamala's first interview, Hezbollah's retaliation against Israel, the continuing horror in Gaza, and Zelensky's bid to extort more advanced weapons out of the US.

2:00 AM
Final Straw Radio
Resisting Border Repression and Growing Nationalism in Poland
This week, we're featuring two conversations relating to the so-called Green Border in Podlaskie region of eastern Poland, on the Belarus border concerning topics of migration, repression, militarization, nationalism and solidarity among residents and people on the move into Fortress Europe.
First up, you'll hear Alex, a member of the feminist anti-repression group, Szpila Collective, about the H5Poland case of 5 activists facing charges for aiding people in need in what could be a landmark case in Poland and Europe. More at Szpila.BlackBlogs.Org or on Mastodon:
Then, you'll find a chat with an anarchist who grew up in this border region and returned in adulthood and whose affinity group does solidarity with people on the move through the Biaowiea forest.
If you'd like to hear the full episode, including 30 minutes more of the second chat, check out our website. To hear past interviews about this border, check out our chat with two folks from Grupa Granica, or other chats where we've covered / carried chat about the border at Calais, the Mediterranean, the Balkan Route, Australia or the US / Mexico border.

3:00 AM
Out-FM from sister station WBAI
Queer Indian Scholar Speaks Out Against US Corporate Crime In Bhopal; and Interview with Gay Filipino Priest Working for Social Justice

U.S. Corporate Crime Kills Thousands In Bhopal, India; A Queer Indian Scholar Speaks Out

In the world’s worst industrial disaster, extreme corporate negligence led to a devastating gas explosion in 1984 at a pesticides factory in Bhopal, India then owned by Union Carbide, now Dow Chemical Company. Since the night of that disaster, over 25,000 people have been killed due to chemical exposure and its aftermath, and over 500,000 remain seriously impacted by chronic health conditions, generational birth defects, and ongoing groundwater contamination in Bhopal. No Union Carbide or Dow officials have ever been held criminally responsible, and the company only paid victims and families of those killed trivial amounts of compensation.

Survivors of this corporate crime and organizers of the large-scale India-wide fightback are currently on a 17-stop U.S. tour to raise awareness and reinvigorate solidarity with Bhopal in the U.S., where Dow Chemical is based. During their US visits, they are convening with numerous environmental justice organizations to highlight similarities between the struggles in India and U.S. communities of color. They are also sharing stories on how Bhopalis have taken care of each other and maintained the struggle through 40 years of injustice.

Jiya Pandya, a queer scholar from India

In this segment, we interview Jiya Pandya, a queer scholar from India working on disability studies and South Asian history, completing a PhD in History and Gender & Sexuality Studies at Princeton University. Jiya is currently organizing with the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal and participating in the U.S. national tour with the disaster survivors. Among other topics, we discussed her statement, “The campaign for justice in Bhopal is a queer issue.”

In a classic example of cooptation by neoliberal capitalism, Jim Fetterling, the current CEO of Dow Chemical, is an out gay businessperson who has won numerous awards for diversity and inclusion. During Pride month a few years ago, Fetterling said that "if you want to make a difference in the world, you have to take action." Meanwhile, Sanjana Singh, an LGBT+ survivor of the Bhopal disaster, has said, “Fighting discrimination against LGBT+ people teaches us to fight against all forms of discrimination in society. It is wrong for Fitterling, who came out as gay in 2014, to make claims of inclusivity while heading a company that starkly discriminates against the Bhopal survivors.”

Survivors of Bhopal Chemical Disaster and Currently Harmed by Toxic Land



Bhopal Survivors Share Stories, Struggles, and Ways to Support Their Advocacy
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 from 7:00-8:30 PM
Organized by the Tishman Environment and Design Center
Starr Foundation Hall, Room UL102, The New School, 63 5th Ave., New York, NY 10003

Registration Link and More Details

Contact: Mike Harrington,

The International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal is meeting with federal lawmakers, seeking to designate December 3rd, the 40th anniversary of the explosion, as Chemical Disaster Awareness Day. The campaign is also working with progressive U.S. groups on a nationwide week of solidarity with Bhopal from Dec. 3rd to 10th.

For more information and to get involved in the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal, visit

#BhopalDisaster #IndustrialSafety #TragicEvent #India #History #SafetyLessons #Accident

Noel Bordador: a gay Filipino priest working for social justice

Pauline Park speaks with Noel Bordador, an openly gay Filipino Episcopalian priest who runs a shelter for HIV+ LGBTQ people in the Philippines and who supports the movement for Palestinian liberation.
Read more:

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from Hartmann's non-commercial broadcast from yesterday

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