Friday, September 20, 2024

Thursday Night

Prog Notes S H 09-20-24

12 AM
Alan Watts
Buddhism - Religion of No Religion
Watts delivers the lecture that gave this series of lectures its name

1 AM
Magical Mystery Tour with Tonio Epstein
International Day of Peace and Pathways to Peace
Tezikiah Gabriel is the Executive Director of Pathways To Peace and works with Peacebuilders locally and globally to build a Culture of Peace. She is an ordained minister who conducts inter-faith and intercultural ceremonies, and works with individuals and groups to Empower the Divine Within Each of Us. This coming Saturday, September 21st will be the 40th anniversary of the International Day of Peace, featuring a Minute of Silence, Moment of Peace, observed all over the world at high noon in every time zone, with people from over 200 countries participating.
In this interview conversation we discuss how to go about cultivating peace in the face of everything going on in our world these days, internally and externally. We go into her history and how she came to this work and her passion for all things peace.

2 AM
Old Radio Break
Dimension X - science fiction radio anthology series from 1950's
The Castaways
The Parade

3 AM
Visionary Activist - Caroline Casey from sister station KPFA
Available and Willing solo show
Let us be available to Mystery and Willing to Participate !
“Let the story fires be lighted, and our circle be strong and full of Medicine!” (Robbie Robertson)
KPFA is in fund drive mode
We convene Fund Drive Council with the Council of Grandmothers convenes, Moon in Capricorn…., on vessels we are crafting…And whom shall we see on that craft, sailing into shore?!
Many women, many many black women…. Octavia Butler, b June 22, 1947, who began this election on the Full Moon of July 21, 2024 Cancer-Capricorn when her novel, written in 1993 “The Parable of the Sower”- begins…
and we are in on-going story re-write…

4-6 AM
Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from Hartmann's non-commercial broadcast on 9/19/24
Thom included a clip from Greg Palast's new film, Vigilantes Inc., which screened last week here in L.A., and partially benefitted KPFK., then talks with Palast about racist voter suppression in the runup to the 2024 election in several "swing" states with close margins.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Wednesday Night

Prog Notes S H 09-19-24

12 AM
For the Record with David Emory
Dave continues his protracted conversation(s) with his new co-host, Monty, a former combat soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan, turned researcher into the role of Nazi intelligence operatives incorporated into the US national security state apparatus and military, particularly in relation to US intervention in East, South, Central and Southwest Asia

1 AM
Grayzone Radio with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate'
Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the curious case of would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh, his history of involvement in the Ukraine proxy war, and the timing of the alleged plot amid calls for major US escalation against Russia.
Grayzone Radio is a production of The Grayzone, an independent news website dedicated to original investigative journalism and analysis on politics and empire. Washington DC-based independent journalist and author, Max Blumenthal, founded The Grayzone and is your host on Grayzone Radio.
For more info on The Grayzone and their reporting, please go to

2 AM
Final Straw Radio
This week, Ian talks with Samm Deighan, co-editor of Revolution in 35 MM: Political Violence and Resistance in Cinema from the Arthouse to Grindhouse, 1960-1990, out 9/24/24 from PM Press. Among other things, they discuss the origins of the book, the benefits and limitations of genre storytelling, the forces that shape movie funding, and where to watch some of the films discussed.

3 AM
Out-FM from sister station WBAI
'Cis' Could Be a Diss with Prof. Perry Zurn; & Queer Singaporean Poet Jee Leong Koh
Pauline Park speaks with Prof. Perry Zurn about his new book about the term 'cisgender' and why it's problematic as an identity category.
Queer Singaporean Poet Jee Leong Koh - Pauline then speaks with Jee Leong Koh about being an openly gay Singaporean poet & the challenges facing LGBTQ Singaporeans today.
Out-FM is a weekly progressive, intersectional queer show by and for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, gender non-conforming, intersex, queer, and questioning communities. Our program originates from listener-sponsored, noncommercial WBAI/Pacifica Radio in New York, 99.5 FM and It’s also heard on Pacifica station KPFK in Los Angeles, 90.7 FM and Our programs are archived at You can also follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram.
Support us by following and sharing our content on social media. Find us on Twitter (now X) by searching for @outfm; our Facebook Group - search Facebook for OutFM; our Facebook page - search Facebook for Out-FM; and/or Instagram at: out_fm.

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from yesterday's non-commercial broadcast. Hartmann addresses the role of Big Pharma in politics, discusses political cults with an expert, and reports on a study showing that a low carb, high fat diet may be conducive to developing diabetes, and he also took listener calls.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tuesday Night

Prog Notes S H 09 18 24

12 AM
Street Sankofa with Dr. Ife Jie
HipHop and the Super Bowl half-time show
Artivist and scholar looks at the good, the bad and the ugly with a critical perspective on the impact of HipHop in relation to mental liberation and individual and social wellness.

plus Labor History in Two minutes and Pacifica's electoral news headlines, "2024 Talks"

1:00 AM
Herbal Highway from sister station KPFA
Resilience part 1
Resilience in Mind
(KPFA is starting their fall fund drive early, as they skipped their summer drive, so this is a short episode, as we edited out their pitching)

1:45 AM
Mindfulness U - Guided Mindfulness Meditation with Diane Winston
"Body Scan"

2:00 AM
Food Sleuth Radio with Melinda Hemmelgarn
Crop rotation and Biodiversity
Did you know that Midwestern industrial agriculture influences our national food system? Join Food Sleuth Radio host and Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn for her conversation with Audrey Tran Lam, MPH, Environmental Health Program Director at the Center for Energy & Environmental Education, at the University of Northern IA. Tran Lam explains how increasing crop rotations and biodiversity could significantly reduce our dependence on expensive and harmful nitrogen fertilizers and herbicides. And, she describes the effects of climate change on agriculture, the connection between Midwestern agriculture and national food consumption, our environment and public health.
Related Websites:
Farming for Public Health:
Industrial Farming and Public Health conference:

[Note: Green Street has been moved up to the daytime schedule and can be heard Tuesdays at 2:30 PM)

2:30 AM
Prison Pipeline: Barriers to Healthcare Access in Prison
Healthcare Access and Financial Barriers to Care Among People Incarcerated in US Prisons. Host Doug McVay is joined in conversation by Emily Lupez, MD, MPH, a General Medicine and Primary Care Research Fellow at Cambridge Health Alliance and Harvard Medical School and lead author of an article published August 5, 2024 in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine entitled Health, Access to Care, and Financial Barriers to Care Among People Incarcerated in US Prisons.

3:00 AM
Whole Mother from sister station KPFT
Kathleen Wilson, Doula
Kathleen Wilson is a founding member of TLC Doula Group, owner of Labor Enabler™ Doula Services and Co-Owner of Rebel Birth Education and Resource Haven. She has been a doula since 2003. She has not only taken several doula trainings, but is the founder of the Labor Enabler Doula Apprenticeship Program. She spends her time teaching and volunteering within the reproductive community. Kathleen loves working in all environments and with all care providers to ensure her clients have their best possible birth.

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from Hartmann's non-commercial broadcast from yesterday Sept. 17

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Monday Night

Prog Notes S H 09-17-24

12 AM
Creative Frontline
Rushing Waters
Creative Frontline with filmmaker Robert Lundahl and Tracker Ginamarie Rangel Quinones will be moving to 4 PM on Monday Sept. 30, and expand to one hour
Rushing waters plunging off the Sierra Nevada from Yosemite form the Walker River, plummeting across state lines into Nevada and Walker lake.
It is a terminus or sink with no outlet. Where do the waters go?

Underground and onward down the Amargosa, under Las Vegas, down the Colorado toward the Gulf of California between Baja California and the rest of Mexico.
This Underground River unites peoples and cultures through historical conflict, destruction of the environment, and escape.
Yet it is Nature's knowledge that gives us hope to realize a new future, through transformation, regeneration and perhaps reconciliation, music to the ears that never stops playing, a heart that never stops beating.
Downstream part one, with Matthew Leivas, Sr.

12:30 AM
Shortwave Radio Report
New reports from Japan, Germany, Cuba and elsewhere

1:00 AM
Le Show with Harry Shearer
More news from Shearer in which reality exceeds the absurdity of any satire, along with his musical choices

2:00 AM
Project Censored
Interviews with Jeff Cohen about Phil Donahue and his impact (and de-platforming); and Norman Solomon about corporate media bias and cover-ups on coverage of israeli attacks in Gaza (and the West Bank) and US involvement

3:00 AM
Equal Rights and Justice with Mimi Rosenberg from sister stations WBAI and WPFW

4-6 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from yesterday's non-commercial broadcast. Hartmann looks at a leak from the Supreme Court about the Chief Justice's role vis a vis Trump-favorable rulings such as presidential immunity.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Thursday Night

Prog Notes S H 09-13-24

12 AM
Alan Watts
Buddhism - Religion of No Religion
Another nearly full hour Watts lecture on "Buddhism as Dialogue"

1:00 AM
Magical Mystery Tour with Tonio Epstein
Part 2 of The Tao of Equus: A Woman's Journey of Healing & Transformation through the Way of the Horse w Linda Kohanov
Linda Kohanov is an internationally recognized author, speaker, musician, educator and founder of Eponaquest Worldwide, a collective of educators, coaches, counselors and horse professionals, which has grown to 6 continents. Linda is one of the founders of the field of equine-facilitated experiential learning, which teaches people innovative leadership, nervous system regulation, nonverbal communication, emotional and social intelligence and relationship skills through safe, engaging, non-riding activities with horses. She has also worked with psychologists in the field of equine-facilitated PT, and is the author of several books including The Way of the Horse, Riding Between Worlds, The Power of the Herd, The Five Roles of the Master Herder, and most recently the newly revised and updated The Tao of Equus: A Womans Journey of Healing & Transformation through the Way of the Horse. Concluding the conversation that started last week.

2 AM
Old Radio Break
Dimension X - Radio science fiction anthology from the 1950s
Beyond Infinity
Perigis Wonderful Dolls

3 AM
Visionary Activist Caroline Casey from sister station KPFA
Last week's show was the exact 28th anniversary of the first broadcast and Caroline Casey replayed it with her First guest – James Hillman, splendiferous humming with current pertinence show, that we re-play today, about the importance of ‘growing down’ into one’s self, recognizing demonic mythological possession at play, and awakening the imagination of everyone to dream the desirable world into being

…followed by Democracy Now clip with Gershon Baskin, with whom we dedicate to the Peace Deal he animates… Democracy Now began the same year as Visionary Activist Show… We are Democracy Now – On Mushrooms, entheo edition, restoring astro*mytho*politico participatory literacy woof to culture…
Vision and Action be Trickster Medicine, the sine qua non for effectively vitalizing all our dedications….. Let’s hold many stories simultaneously, cooperating with the good in all…

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from yesterday's non-commercial broadcast

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Wednesday Night

Prog Notes S H 09 12 24

12:00 AM
For the Record with Dave Emory
Dave continues his extended conversation with his new co-host Monty

1:00 AM
Grayzone Radio
Rules Based Repression Part 2
Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate continue their discussion of a wave of arrests of dissidents across the global West, as well Pavel Durov's repression. They will also complete Max's coverage of the DNC 2024, Kamala's first interview, Hezbollah's retaliation against Israel, the continuing horror in Gaza, and Zelensky's bid to extort more advanced weapons out of the US.

2:00 AM
Final Straw Radio
Resisting Border Repression and Growing Nationalism in Poland
This week, we're featuring two conversations relating to the so-called Green Border in Podlaskie region of eastern Poland, on the Belarus border concerning topics of migration, repression, militarization, nationalism and solidarity among residents and people on the move into Fortress Europe.
First up, you'll hear Alex, a member of the feminist anti-repression group, Szpila Collective, about the H5Poland case of 5 activists facing charges for aiding people in need in what could be a landmark case in Poland and Europe. More at Szpila.BlackBlogs.Org or on Mastodon:
Then, you'll find a chat with an anarchist who grew up in this border region and returned in adulthood and whose affinity group does solidarity with people on the move through the Biaowiea forest.
If you'd like to hear the full episode, including 30 minutes more of the second chat, check out our website. To hear past interviews about this border, check out our chat with two folks from Grupa Granica, or other chats where we've covered / carried chat about the border at Calais, the Mediterranean, the Balkan Route, Australia or the US / Mexico border.

3:00 AM
Out-FM from sister station WBAI
Queer Indian Scholar Speaks Out Against US Corporate Crime In Bhopal; and Interview with Gay Filipino Priest Working for Social Justice

U.S. Corporate Crime Kills Thousands In Bhopal, India; A Queer Indian Scholar Speaks Out

In the world’s worst industrial disaster, extreme corporate negligence led to a devastating gas explosion in 1984 at a pesticides factory in Bhopal, India then owned by Union Carbide, now Dow Chemical Company. Since the night of that disaster, over 25,000 people have been killed due to chemical exposure and its aftermath, and over 500,000 remain seriously impacted by chronic health conditions, generational birth defects, and ongoing groundwater contamination in Bhopal. No Union Carbide or Dow officials have ever been held criminally responsible, and the company only paid victims and families of those killed trivial amounts of compensation.

Survivors of this corporate crime and organizers of the large-scale India-wide fightback are currently on a 17-stop U.S. tour to raise awareness and reinvigorate solidarity with Bhopal in the U.S., where Dow Chemical is based. During their US visits, they are convening with numerous environmental justice organizations to highlight similarities between the struggles in India and U.S. communities of color. They are also sharing stories on how Bhopalis have taken care of each other and maintained the struggle through 40 years of injustice.

Jiya Pandya, a queer scholar from India

In this segment, we interview Jiya Pandya, a queer scholar from India working on disability studies and South Asian history, completing a PhD in History and Gender & Sexuality Studies at Princeton University. Jiya is currently organizing with the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal and participating in the U.S. national tour with the disaster survivors. Among other topics, we discussed her statement, “The campaign for justice in Bhopal is a queer issue.”

In a classic example of cooptation by neoliberal capitalism, Jim Fetterling, the current CEO of Dow Chemical, is an out gay businessperson who has won numerous awards for diversity and inclusion. During Pride month a few years ago, Fetterling said that "if you want to make a difference in the world, you have to take action." Meanwhile, Sanjana Singh, an LGBT+ survivor of the Bhopal disaster, has said, “Fighting discrimination against LGBT+ people teaches us to fight against all forms of discrimination in society. It is wrong for Fitterling, who came out as gay in 2014, to make claims of inclusivity while heading a company that starkly discriminates against the Bhopal survivors.”

Survivors of Bhopal Chemical Disaster and Currently Harmed by Toxic Land



Bhopal Survivors Share Stories, Struggles, and Ways to Support Their Advocacy
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 from 7:00-8:30 PM
Organized by the Tishman Environment and Design Center
Starr Foundation Hall, Room UL102, The New School, 63 5th Ave., New York, NY 10003

Registration Link and More Details

Contact: Mike Harrington,

The International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal is meeting with federal lawmakers, seeking to designate December 3rd, the 40th anniversary of the explosion, as Chemical Disaster Awareness Day. The campaign is also working with progressive U.S. groups on a nationwide week of solidarity with Bhopal from Dec. 3rd to 10th.

For more information and to get involved in the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal, visit

#BhopalDisaster #IndustrialSafety #TragicEvent #India #History #SafetyLessons #Accident

Noel Bordador: a gay Filipino priest working for social justice

Pauline Park speaks with Noel Bordador, an openly gay Filipino Episcopalian priest who runs a shelter for HIV+ LGBTQ people in the Philippines and who supports the movement for Palestinian liberation.
Read more:

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from Hartmann's non-commercial broadcast from yesterday

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tuesday Night

Prog Notes S H 09 11 24

12 AM
Street Sankofa with Dr. Ife Jie
The artivist and hip-hop scholar discusses the plague of fentanyl and other street drugs and the widespread accidental overdoses, often fatal, from even small amounts of fentanyl adulterants in other drugs.

1 AM
The Herbal Highway
The Herbal Doula

2:00 AM
Green Street with Patti and Doug Wood
This week on Green Street, Patti and Doug talk about pesticide spraying for mosquitoes carrying Eastern Equestrian Encephalitis ("Triple E), how a midwestern health center actually helped pay for an artificial turf field at a high school, and how the City of Los Angeles is responding to increased storm-water by making the city more sponge-like. Then investigative reporter and author Carey Gillam, talks about her award-winning work uncovering the corporate malfeasance and corruption regarding the infamous toxic pesticide glyphosate, known commonly as RoundUp, which remains on store shelves today.

2:30 AM
Food Sleuth Radio with Melinda Hemmelgarn
Did you know that indigenous food systems are based on cooperation? Join Food Sleuth Radio host and Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn for her conversation with A-dae Romera- Briones (Cochiti/Kiowa), native Agricultural Food Systems Leader and Director of Programs for the First Nations Development Institute. She discusses the nature and history of indigenous foodways, food sovereignty, and the importance of how we tell the story of agriculture. She is a featured keynote speaker at the RAFI-USA conference (Sept. 30-October 1st 2024; see: )
Related Websites:
Fighting for the Tastebuds of Our Children:

3:00 AM
About Health from sister station KPFA
(Listening with the "Third Ear")
Nurse Rona interviews bestselling novelist, poet, and essayist, Elizabeth Rosner about her new book…Third Ear…Reflections on the Art and Science of Listening. This book is about many things, including our well being as individuals, family members, and humans living in a world that needs us to pay deep attention. [No new episode of Whole Mother from KPFT so we are bringing back About Health from KPFA at a different hour.]

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from yesterday's non-commercial broadcast

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Monday Night

Prog Notes S H 09-10-24

12 AM
Creative Frontline
The BIA Made Me a White Man
More from hereditary chief Matthew Leivas of the Chemehuevi

12:30 AM
Shortwave Radio Report
New reports from France, Germany, Cuba and elsewhere

1:00 AM
Le Show with Harry Shearer
More news from Shearer in which reality exceeds the absurdity of any satire, along with his musical choices

2:00 AM
Project Censored
Looking at what the Assange case means about press freedom in the US

3:00 AM
Equal Rights and Justice with Mimi Rosenberg from sister stations WBAI and WPFW

4-6 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from yesterday's non-commercial broadcast. Jefferson Smith sits in for Thom Hartmann to discuss with Jeff Shehol prepping a candidate for debates and about speech writing for candidates, and then responded to listener calls in anticipation of the debate.

Please note, KPFK will air the debate live at 6 PM, hosted by Mitch Jeserich of Letters and Politics, moderating any Pacifica commentary there is time for in the first two hours, and then staying on for an hour to take your calls from KPFK and KPFA listeners.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wednesday Night

Prog Notes S H 09 05 24

12:00 AM
For the Record with Dave Emory
Dave continues his extended conversation with his new co-host Monty

1:00 AM
Grayzone Radio
Rules Based Repression Part 1
Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss a wave of arrests of dissidents across the West, as well Pavel Durov's repression. They will also cover Max's coverage of the DNC 2024, Kamala's first interview, Hezbollah's retaliation against Israel, the continuing horror in Gaza, and Zelensky's bid to extort more advanced weapons out of the US.

2:00 AM
Final Straw Radio
Solidarity, Spirituality and Liberatory Promise on a Turtles Back
Sharing words from anarchist, author, organizer and former participant in the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army, Ashanti Omowali Alston, in the key note address at the 2024 Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair in so-called Asheville. The presentation was entitled Solidarity, Spirituality and Liberatory Promise on a Turtle's Back.
From the ACAB website:
"Trusting in solidarity, the mysterium of spirituality, and a promise from god knows where," a where that at this historical moment, might just be Palestine. What does it mean TO BE in the midst of all this right now? RIGHT NOW!
M. Ashanti Alston is a revolutionary Black nationalist, anarchist, abolitionist, speaker, writer, elder motivator. A long-time member of The Jericho Movement, he is presently an advisory board member of the National Jericho Movement and co-founding board member of the Center for Grassroots Organizing (Vermont land project). He continues giving talks and writing inspirational analyses concerning the dismantling of the myriad oppressive regimes in which we find ourselves enmeshed.
Ashanti is one of the few former members of the Black Panther Party who identifies as an anarchist in the tradition of ancestor Kwesi Balagoon (BPP & BLA). He developed abolitionist politics in the early years of Critical Resistance. He has helped save the life of a baby pig with animal liberationists, learned depth-queer politics from being challenged, and wants to see non-ego eldership partaking through sincerely loving the younger generations who truly want to CARRY IT ON.
You can find other recordings from the 2024 ACABookfair at

3:00 AM
Out-FM from sister station WBAI
We are excited to welcome the esteemed writer /poet Alexis Pauline Gumbs to Out FM, author of the magical, fascinating, inspiring new biography of poet Audre Lorde, entitled Survival Is A Promise: The Eternal Life of Audre Lorde.
Alexis describes herself as a queer, black, (self-described) troublemaker, Black Feminist Evangelist, and an aspirational cousin to all sentient beings.
Her work is grounded in a community ethic and as such has founded or been a member of UBUNTU- A Women of Color Survival Coalition to End Gendered Violence, Warrior Healers Organizing Trust, and The Earth Seed Land Collective in Durham North Carolina.
In addition she has participated in the work of Southerners On New Ground, Allied Media Projects, Black Women's Blueprint and the International Black Youth Summit.
Other titles by her include: Spill: Scenes of Black Feminist Fugitivity; M Archive: After the End of the World; Dub: Finding Ceremony

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from Hartmann's non-commercial broadcast from yesterday

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Tuesday Night

Prog Notes S H 09 04 24

12 AM
Street Sankofa with Dr. Ife Jie
Hip Hop and Health
Hip-hop artivist and scholar Dr. Ife Jie discusses recent recent deaths, including on-stage, of rappers and other performers, and health issues in the hip-hop scene, including substance abuse and other concerns.

1:00 AM
Herbal Highway
Grounding and Boundaries
Join Karyn Sanders for an exploration of grounding and boundaries and the plants that support us in this work. Previously aired 05.04.2017. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @theherbalhighway.

2:00 AM
Green Street
Hormone Disruption with Dr. Tom Zoeller
This week on Green Street, Patti and Doug talk about forever chemicals on artificial turf fields, the new court system in Texas backed by big oil, and the amount of plastic particles accumulating in your brain.
Then Dr. Tom Zoeller, one of the nation's leading experts on endocrine disruption, talks about why the government seems unable (or unwilling) to take hormone-disrupting products off the shelves that can have serious, life-long impacts on children and adults.

2:30 AM
Food Sleuth Radio with Melinda Hemmelgarn
Farm Labor, Policy and Project 2025
Did you know that a good share of dairy farms and food processors employ migrant laborers? Join Food Sleuth Radio host and Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn for her conversation with Jim Goodman, M.S., retired third-generation dairy farmer, president of the National Family Farm Coalition, and farm activist. Goodman advocates for a farmer-controlled, consumer-oriented food system. He is a frequent contributor of thought-provoking articles on farming, food, politics, trade and labor for Common Dreams.
Goodman discusses the corporate-friendly policies that fueled the economic decline in rural America, and pulls back the curtain on Project 2025.
Related Websites:
Everyone Owes a Debt to Laborers:
Project 2025:

3:00 AM
Whole Mother from sister station KPFT
Melissa Nealy, CPM, IBCLC
Melissa Nealy, CPM (Certified Professional Midwife), IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant), has been a part of the out of hospital birth community for the last decade and found her love for midwifery 14 years ago prior to the birth of her oldest daughter. She has presented at local and national conferences on the topic of lactation complications for midwives. Spending 5 years as an IBCLC she is thrilled to be able to exclusively be a midwife for the last two years. She is a homeschooling mother of 3 stunning and bright children, husband to the most supportive man (you have to be supportive if you’re married to a midwife) and the family hosts 11 mammal and reptile friends in their home. (cats, dogs, mice and snakes). She is always thrilled to speak more about her passions.

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from yesterday's non-commercial broadcast.
The Unholy Alliance: How Rightwing Preachers Are Weaponizing Our Courts. Plus how the GOP hopes to use 3rd party candidates to siphon off votes.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wednesday Night

Prog Notes S H 08 29 24

12 AM
For the Record with David Emory
Dave continues his series of conversations with his new cohost, Monty, about the incorporation of original Nazis and Nazi sympathizers and collaborators in the US national security state apparatus, and about the involvement of that apparatus in clandestine operations within the US, embracing and including neo-Nazi elements in the state and political system in assassinations, propaganda, and other activities.

1 AM
Grayzone Radio with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate'
Won't You Please Come to Chicago Part 2
Max and Aaron conclude their discussion from last week about the recently held DNC (while it was still going on) as ceasefire talks break down and a massive new US arms shipment arrives in Israel. Wyatt Reed reports from the ground in Chicago outside the United Center. They also cover Ukraine's ill-fated Kursk incursion and the emergence of new narratives about the Nord Stream attacks.

2 AM
The Final Straw Radio
No More Deaths/No Mas Muertes at the US/Mexico Border
This week, we spoke with two members of No More Deaths, a 20 year old humanitarian organization operating in the borderlands between Mexico and the USA. We talked about the organization, the work it does, how the border has changed, the political legacy of the Republicans and Democrats in the current situation for immigrants, deaths at the border and ways to get involved in supporting people on the move. The full episode can be found at our website.

3 AM
Out-FM from sister station WBAI
"Bodies Outside of Unjust Laws" Coalition Protest Outside of Democrat's Convention
In the run up to this years Democratic convention, some outlets predicted that Chicago may have a repeat of the 1968 Democratic convention where police rioted and beat protesters.
While some media outlets feared student and activist outrage over the Gaza genocide would lead to a chaotic protest situation similar to the anger created by the Johnson/Humphrey administration conduct of the Vietnam war in 1968 it didn't. Protests against the war on the Palestinians occurred last week, they werent well covered by the mainstream media. Joining us to discuss last weeks protests is Andy Thayer of the Gay Liberation Network. He was co-organizer of the "Bodies Outside of Unjust Laws" coalition's March. In addition he attended most of the other protests last week.

HHS Rule Impacts Trans Community
Biden's HHS trans guidelines embroiled in controversy
Joe Biden's Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) has become embroiled in a controversy around gender transition-related medical interventions; Out-FM's Pauline Park talks with Stahimili Mapp about the hidden and not-so-hidden agendas being pushed.

4-6 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from yesterday's non-commercial broadcast. Hartmann discusses what impact Trump's proposed tax cuts and tariff increases might have on the US budget deficit and national debt.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Tuesday Night

Prog Notes S H 08-28-24

12 AM
Street Sankofa with Dr. Ife Jie
A critical hip-hop perspective examining personal and communal mental liberation.

1 AM
The Herbal Highway from sister station KPFA
Listen as Sarah Holmes discusses the health considerations for all of us as people return to school. She focuses on herbs and strategies to stay healthy during this transition. Originally aired 09.12.2023. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @theherbalhighway.

2 AM
Green Street with Patty and Doug Wood
Living with Climate Change
This week on Green Street, Patti and Doug talk about the EPAs long delay in regulating perchlorate, a chemical now contaminating our food and water, how the air in New York subways far exceeds health standards, and the problem with using recycled plastic for food packaging. Then medical doctor and PhD researcher Mary Johnson of the TH Chan School of Public Health at Harvard University talks about climate change, wildfire smoke, and how new weather patterns are impacting our health.

2:30 AM
Food Sleuth Radio with Melinda Hemmelgarn
Climate Justice and Plastics in Agriculture
Did you know that farm soil is increasingly becoming a reservoir for plastic? Join Food Sleuth Radio host and Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn for her conversation with Grey Moran, award-winning journalist and staff writer at Civil Eats, where their writing focuses on climate change, the food system, public health, and environmental justice. Moran discusses plasticulture and the increasing use of plastic in agriculture, and how the Fair Food Alliance is working around FL law which denies farmworkers heat protection.
Related Websites: Coalition of Immokalee workers and the Fair Food Program:
Civil Eats:
How Fossil Fuel-derived pesticides and plastics harm health, biodiversity and the climate:

3:00 AM
Whole Mother with Pat Jones from sister station KPFT
Dr. Ginger Breedlove discusses the economic truths surrounding the layoffs of the midwives at Texas Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Breedlove said it best: “In the midst of a severe women’s health workforce crises and worsening maternal health outcomes for BIPOC families in Texas, could someone please explain to me how this outrageous decision meets Texas Children’s mission to, '…create a healthier future for children and women throughout our global community by leading in patient care, education and research.'”

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from Thom's non-commercial broadcast of 8-27-24

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Monday Night

Prog Notes S H 08 27 24

12 AM
Creative Frontline with Robert Lundahl and Tracker Ginamarie Rangel Quinone
Puha - Living at Ash Meadows
Creative FRONTLINE has focused on Ash Meadows as a biodiversity hot spot in the desert, and after learning of the Chemehuevi Peoples' history in the area we asked Hereditary Chief Matt Leivas to explain the meaning and importance to his people. We'll continue the series with commentary in upcoming episodes.

Shortwave Report with Dan Roberts
This week's show features stories from NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Radio Havana Cuba.
From JAPAN- 13 years after the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant, the first attempt to remove 880 tons of highly radioactive fuel debris has been suspended. Foreign and defense ministers of Japan and India met to review their joint declaration on security cooperation. Italy brought its aircraft carrier to Japan, joining many other European warships for joint drills in the south China Sea. The US and South Korea started a joint military exercise to deter and defend against a nuclear attack in the area. Russia says it shot down 11 Ukrainian drones over the outskirts of Moscow, and 34 in other parts of Russia. Iran's parliament has approved all cabinet appointments under the new President Pezeshkian who wants to improve relations with the west. Biden and Harris spoke with Netanyahu this week to motivate signing a ceasefire agreement, while also sending another aircraft carrier to the Middle East.

From GERMANY- As the ceasefire talks continue, so does the daily bombing in Gaza. An interview with an Egyptian journalist, Karim Al-Gawhary, about the talks. He says that the sticking points are Israel insisting on a continued military presence in Gaza, and continuing the war in the future. Palestine is opposed to these demands. Moves to tax the world's extremely wealthy have taken hold in several countries, like Spain, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark- Their ultra-rich have not moved elsewhere, according to the Tax Justice Network.

From CUBA- The government of Nicaragua has condemned the interventionist actions of the US program NED, that is the National Endowment for Democracy. The President Petro of Colombia has banned the export of coal to Israel as punishment for its war on Palestine. The EU warned of the humanitarian crisis in Palestine, where individuals and groups attempting to aid the civilians are under attack. The government of Scotland has suspended all meetings with the Israeli regime ambassadors, demanding an immediate ceasefire in Palestine.

1:00 AM
Le Show with Harry Shearer
On this week's edition of Le Show, Harry brings us News of Forever Chemicals, News of Musk Love, News of Smart World, Truth Social Audio with Donald Trump, News of the Godly, The Apologies of the Week, News of the Warm, great music and more. Part-time New Orleans resident Harry Shearer hosts a look at the worlds of media, politics, cyberspace, sports and show business while providing an eclectic array of music along the way. Brought to us via the Pacifica affiliates unit from the Pacifica affiliate in New Orleans.

2:00 AM
Project Censored with Eleanor Goldfield and Mickey Huff
Decoding Democracy
This week's edition of the Project Censored Show is hosted by Eleanor Goldfield, and consists of a collection of short audio clips from videos in Project Censored's Decoding Democracy video series. Decoding Democracy is a collection of video interviews with independent journalists, academics, and activists, on a wide range of contemporary issues about media and society.
The complete collection of Youtube videos can be found at
Among the many commentators featured in the Decoding Democracy video series, and included in this broadcast, are Mnar Adley, Nora Barrows-Friedman, Eugene Puryear, and Victor Pickard.

3:00 AM
Equal Rights & Justice with Mimi Rosenberg from sister stations WBAI and WPFW
Silencing voices for Palestinian Liberation; Workers Demand a Living Wage & Unions

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours of Hartmann's non-commercial broadcast from 8-26-24