Friday, May 31, 2024

Thursday Night

Program Notes S H 05-31-24

12 AM
Alan Watts
The Tao of Philosophy
Two lectures by Watts in an early series that we will start with the first two this early morning and continue in the several weeks to come - Slices of Wisdom, followed by Images of God

1 AM
Old Radio Break
After the Thin Man
Sequel to the radio dramatization of the Dashiell Hammett novel and Hollywood film starring William Powell and Myrna Loy, reprising their film roles as Nick and Nora Charles (with their dog Asta), as the film's success and the popularity of the radio dramatization inspired a string of films, and then a radio serial (which did not feature the original film cast after being turned into a half hour series).

2 AM
Magical Mystery Tour with Tonio Epstein
Revealing the Secrets of Our Dreams
"Dream Queen" Theresa Cheung was born into a family of psychics. She has a degree in Theology & English from Kings College in Cambridge. She's known as the dream queen and is the best selling author of numerous books covering spiritual topics, parapsychology, dreams and personal growth and transformation.
This show features a conversation about her book The Dream Dictionary from A to Z: The Ultimate A " Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams, which has just been updated and reissued.

3 AM
Visionary Activist Caroline Casey from sister station KPFA
Full Moon Pirate Radio
Convening our Back-stage Bureau Chiefs….
We cannot live through the dead – but we can invite the best in them to live through us,
honoring the late great ally Larry Bensky, indefatigable deeply cultivated radio journalist activist….
and the late David Graeber, whose 2 splendiferous books, “Dawn Of Everything,” (with David Wengrow) and “Pirate Enlightenment – or the Real Libertalia,” as pledge incentives during our fund drive…
So that we can be fully informed participatory Earth Citizens, at this “time of Dire Beauty.”
Please note these thank-you premiums are not available here at KPFK, but your donations to KPFK to keep Visionary Activist, Something's Happening, and KPFK itself on the air here in Southern California.

4-6 AM
MOATS - Mother of All Talk Shows with George Galloway
The trial run continues, probably through our upcoming on-air membership and fund-raising drive, which begins next week, to see if MOATS is attracting new listeners and new members to KPFK.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Wednesday Night

Prog Notes S H 05-30-24

12 AM
For the Record with David Emory
Chokeholds in the JFK Assassination
Dave wraps up the third part of his interview with Jim DiEugenio about the legal concept of "chokeholds" in relation to the JFK assassination. We anticipate having more new material from David Emory next week; he has several new programs completed that are in post-production now.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: How some lawyers introduced the concepts we discuss; What is the concept of “consilience?;” Analyze the “Investigations Timeline”—detailed in the Introduction; What is meant by “Standard of Proof?”; How does “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” figure into the “Chokeholds” concept?; How does “Civil Standards of Proof” factor in?; How does the HSCA Standard of Proof” factor in?; How does the ARRB’s Standard of Proof factor in?; Finally—the JFK Assassinations Chokehold Standard of Proof”—How does this factor in?;
Analysis of the 60 years of obstruction of justice in the JFK case; Analysis of the Rockefeller Commission; The Rockefeller Commission’s inclusion of Lyman Lemnitzer and Ronald Reagan–two very strange choices; The Rockefeller Commission’s selection of Warren Commission counsel David Belin to handle its legal maneuvering; The Rockefeller Commission’s use of Richard Lindenberg–a Paperclip veteran; Review of the deep political role of Leon Jaworski in the trial over the killing of Corporal Kunze, the Dachau Medical trials and his participation in the Texas Court of Inquiry along with Robert Storey;
Review of networking between Ray Rocca, Paul Patrini and James Angleton dating back to World War II; The House Select Committee on Assassinations’ use of George Joannides as a liaison with the CIA; Review of Joannides’ work with Carlos Bringuier and the DRE at the time of the Kennedy assassination; review of the HSCA’s endorsement of the doctored autopsy evidence at Bethesda; Review of Watergate and Nixon’s presence in Dallas on 11/22/1963.

1 AM
Grayzone Radio with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate'
The Walls Are Closing In
Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate' discuss the historic ICC warrant against Netanyahu, the death of Iran's president Ebrahim Raisi, Israel's return to areas of Gaza it claimed to have controlled, and more.
Grayzone Radio is a production of The Grayzone, an independent news website dedicated to original investigative journalism and analysis on politics and empire. Washington DC-based independent journalist and author, Max Blumenthal, founded The Grayzone and is your host on Grayzone Radio. For more info on The Grayzone and their reporting, please go to

1:58 AM
Labor History in Two Minutes for May 29

2 AM
The Final Straw Radio
Addameer on Palestinian Prisoners
Tala Nasser of the Palestinian prisoner human rights group, Al-Addameer, which has offices in Jerusalem or Al-Quds, as well as in Ramallah. We speak about the report they released on Palestinian Prisoners day, April 17th, on the conditions of Palestinian prisoners, particularly since October 7th, 2023 including in Gaza since the invasion. More info on the group and their findings can be found at
Then, well hear a segment by our comrades at A-Radio Berlin speaking with Johan Eriksson, an anarchist game designer has recently published such an RPG called Oceania 2084, based on George Orwells novel 1984. You can find more of about the game including a free austere pdf of the gameplay at , and you can hear more audios from A-Radio Berlin at .
In case you missed mid-week release of our interview with Yaffa As, a queer and trans Palestinian poet, author, publisher and activist living in the diaspora about two recent collections they published as well as mutual aid and fundraising to get queer Palestinians out of range of Israeli genocide:

3 AM
PJ Raval & the Unbearable Whiteness of the Transphobic Violence of US Imperialism & Militarism in the Philippines
PJ Raval is an award-winning Filipino American filmmaker who directed the documentary "Call Her Ganda" about the murder of transwoman Jennifer Laude in the Philippines; he updates this case of a transphobic hate crime that became national news in the Philippines and discusses his other film work with Pauline Park in this segment of Out-FM as well as the challenges facing LGBTQ Filipinos and Filipino Americans.
PJ also produced, directed, and shot (alongside collaborator Jay Hodges) the feature documentary TRINIDAD which uncovers Trinidad, Colorado’s transformation from Wild West outpost to “sex change capital of the world..” Called “a must see” by Ellen Huang of GLAAD, TRINIDAD won the Cleveland International Film Festival “Documentary Jury Award”

4-6 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from the earlier non-commercial broadcast on 5/29/24

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Tuesday Night

Prog Notes S H 05-29-24

12 AM
About Health
"American Madness"
Our mental health care system is broken. There aren’t enough psychiatric hospital beds, psychiatrists, therapists, safe out patient facilities, good follow up care, or housing for people with mental illness. Too often care isn’t coordinated, and many mentally ill people wind up on the streets or in prison. Join Nurse Rona and her guest, Dr. Alice Feller, to discuss her new book, "American Madness: Fighting For Patients In A Broken Mental Health System."

1 AM
Herbal Highway
Herbs in Community
Join Sarah Holmes and her guest Bee Nahid of Alembique Apothecary in Berkeley, CA. They discuss herbs in community, Unani medicine and much more.

2:00 AM
How the EPA regulates Toxins
This week on Grassroots, Patti and Doug talk about major universities taking big donations from the oil and gas industry, and the proposed settlement in the East Palestine disaster. Then Dr, Tracey Woodruff talks about her years at the EPA and how the government regulates toxins in the environment.

2:30 PM
Food Sleuth Radio with investigative dietitian Melinda Hemmelgarn
Purified: How Recycled Sewage is Transforming Our Water
Did you know that astronauts liquid wastes are recycled into drinking water in space? Join Food Sleuth Radio host and Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn, for her interview with Peter Annin, national water journalist, director of the Mary Griggs Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation at Northland College, Ashland, WI, and author of Purified: How Recycled Sewage is Transforming Our Water. Annin reports on multiple successful national examples where human waste is filtered, treated and transformed into vital pure water. Related website:

3:00 AM
Whole Mother from sister station KPFT with Pat Jones
Lynn Schulte
Lynn Schulte is a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist for over 30 years and she is the principle instructor at the Institute for Birth Healing. She has successfully healed thousands of women from all the issues women experience after birth and is now teaching courses to bodyworkers to help them do the same. She found a common birth pattern that shows up in the pelvis after birth and knows how to effectively release these patterns. Knowing we are more than just our bodies, Lynn works on all levels, physically, energetically, and spiritually with women to help them access their full potential.
She also teaches body-workers how to work with the energy of the body and how to access and use your intuition in your bodywork sessions. She offers a certification process to help birth professionals become Birth Healing Practitioners. Lynn holds a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from St. Louis University, St. Louis Missouri.
More information at

4-6 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from Thom's earlier non-commercial broadcast on 5-28-2024.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Monday Night

Prog Notes S H 05-28-24

12 AM
Creative Frontline
Max Carmichael -- Seeker
Account of a person of European descent in his efforts to learn from nature and Indigenous protectors of the natural order.

12:30 AM
Between the Lines radio newsmagazine with Scott Harris
US Students Protesting Israel's Gaza War Emerge as Nation's Moral Conscience; Yale Program Creates Tool to Better Understand U.S. Public Opinion on the Climate Crisis; Texas Governor Pardons Racist Murderer Who Killed Black Lives Matter Activist. Guests: Norman Solomon, co-founder of; Eric Fine, Project Manager, Yale Program on Climate Change Communication; Steven Monacelli, investigative journalist & publisher

1:00 AM
Behind the News with Doug Henwood of the Left Business Observer
Mouin Rabbani talks about Gaza and the larger context of Israel & Palestine; Stefanie Stantcheva, about why people hate inflation.

1:58 AM
Labor History in two minutes with Rick Smith

2:00 AM
TUC radio
Interview with Richard Wolff
Attacks on freedom of speech and assembly and academic freedom on campuses in response to anti-genocide, pro-Palestinian encampments, include at the New School, where Wolff taught.

2:30 AM

The Chris Hedges Report with Chris Hedges
After Hedges was de-platformed by The Real News Network, we lost access to it via audioport, Pacifica's file-sharing system. But I checked and it turns out WBAI has continued to have direct access and has been airing it. We ran an archival episode Sunday, not aware of that in time, so here is the most recent episode of The Chris Hedges Report that should have aired Sunday morning. The latest new episode will air next Sunday morning at it usual time.

3:00 AM
Project Censored
The Fight for Abortion Rights; Assange Update
Eleanor Goldfield and Mickey Huff co-host this week's show. In the first segment, Amelia Bonow tells Eleanor how, owing to a welter of state restrictions and conditions, abortion has always been difficult to access for millions of women in the U.S, even before the before the Supreme Court's reversal of its 1973 Roe vs Wade decision: "Roe vs. Wade was never enough." Since the reversal, many states have outlawed all or nearly all abortions. But Bonow says changing attitudes, and the near-universal availability of abortion pills, mean that choice is still possible despite repressive state laws.
In the second half of the show, Kevin Gosztola returns to the program to tell Mickey the latest about the Julian Assange case: a recent ruling by the UK High Court of Justice that could complicate or even halt the Biden Administration's efforts to extradite Assange. Kevin and Mickey also take note of new attacks on press freedom and whistleblower rights taking place in the U.S., Israel, and Australia.
Amelia Bonow is cofounder and executive director of "Shout Your Abortion" (SYA), at She's also on the board of directors of the Abortion Care Network (another pro-choice site mentioned in the interview was
Kevin Gosztola is an independent journalist. He has covered the Julian Assange legal proceedings in the UK from their beginning, as well as other press-freedom and whistleblower cases, and has been a frequent guest on the Project Censored Show. His book on the Assange case, "Guilty of Journalism," was published in 2023. Gosztola is also the editor of the Dissenter newsletter,

4-6:00 PM
MOATS - Mother of all Talk Shows with George Galloway
Trial run continues. George discusses British PM Rishi Sunak's plan to seek mandatory conscription to national and military service if he is returned to office in the upcoming snap British parliamentary elections. Later, George interviews independent journalist Richard Medhurst, just back from Iran, and takes calls from the US as well as England and elsewhere. Delayed broadcast from Sunday, so you can't call in.