Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Monday Night

Prog Notes S H 07-23-24

12:00 AM
Creative Frontline
The 100 Foot Wave. Wind Farms on the California Coast with David Puu, (Hawaiian)
Massive infrastructures are planned 20 to 60 miles offshore from the Pristine Beaches and natural environments of the Central California Coast.
New industrial facilities plug in via huge cables.

Industrial construction: Assembly in SF harbor, tow to Los Angeles, configure and tow to Morro Bay.

Industrial infrastructure planned on central coast includes lithium battery assembly at Morro Bay harbor. Does this Systemic development integrate sustainably?
As with concentrating solar in the desert, it's never been done before, here, in dark water, and the impacts to species of fish and mammals are unknown.
Is there any connection to East Coast whale strandings near wind farms? Is this kind of “renewable” energy development good for the environment and for biodiversity?

12:30 AM
Shortwave Report with Dan Roberts
This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, France 24, and Radio Havana Cuba.

http://youthspeaksout.net/swr240719.mp3 (29:00)

From FRANCE- An interview with Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights situation in Palestine. She was heavily criticized by Israel, along with the US and France, for describing the Israeli actions in Palestine in a paper entitled "Anatomy of a Genocide." She says that the Israeli military has broken humanitarian law by distorting the principle of proportionality and killing tens of thousands of civilians- justifying the deaths by claiming they were being used as shields. She says that genocide in Palestine precedes the existence of Hamas by decades, and did not begin after October 7th. She says the war has created an unprecedented crisis in international relations and law. Then a brief report on an Israeli bombing attack on Tuesday on another UN school housing displaced Palestinians, killing dozens of people mostly civilians.

From JAPAN- The Japanese PM has personally apologized for the 25,000 forced sterilizations under a so-called eugenic protection law, that was in effect from 1948 until 1996. Nuclear regulators told TEPCO, the company that operates the devastated nuclear power plant in Fukushima, that they must do more to prevent safety and security lapses.

From CUBA- A Viewpoint on the telecommunication problems in Cuba caused by US sanctions on countries supplying equipment with US made components. Venezuelan President Maduro faces an election on July 28th. The Iranian President-elect Pezeshkian said he will not respond to US pressure, and that his country has no nuclear weapons. Israeli forces continue to kidnap Palestinians, over 9000 since October- UN experts and human rights groups say that they are routinely beaten and tortured.

1:00 AM
Le Show with Harry Shearer
On this weeks edition of Le Show, Harry brings up regular features like News of the Olympic Movement, News of the Warm, News of the Atom, News of Crypto-Winter, The Apologies of the Week, and News of Musk Love. Well also hear about this weeks power outage, self-driving cars, listen to great music and more.
Part-time New Orleans resident Harry Shearer hosts a look at the worlds of media, politics, cyberspace, sports and show business while providing an eclectic array of music along the way.

2:00 AM
Project Censored
Conscience-Driven Resignations From The Us Military / New Assange Documentary
Eleanor Goldfield hosts this week's program. In the first half of the show, we learn about members of the US military who've resigned their posts over moral objections to the US support of Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza. Eleanor's guest is Palestinian-American Mohammed Abouhashem, a former US Air Force sergeant. He also rebuts claims that Israeli forces attempt to minimize civilian casualties, and questions whether Israel was really taken by surprise by the October 7 Hamas attack.
Next up, Eleanor speaks with Australian filmmaker Kym Staton about his documentary Trust Fall, just released in the US this month. Trust Fall recounts the personal and professional life of Julian Assange, as well as the US campaign against him. The film was completed before Assange gained his freedom, yet Kym says Trust Fall is still a vital chronicle of an effort to punish a journalist; he notes too, that some media in Australia continue to spread falsehoods about Assange, despite the legal proceeding being over.
Mohammed Abouhashem was a career sergeant in the US Air Force, who resigned last October after 22 years in the USAF.
Kym Staton is an Australian filmmaker, musician and poet. The web site for his new Julian Assange documentary is www.thetrustfall.org

3:00 AM
Equal Rts & Justice with Mimi Rosenberg from sister station WBAI
Labor's-eye view of the Republican National Convention
What the pundits and politicos probably didn't tell you about the real-world impact on working people of the politicians and policies promoted by the GOP at their national convention as they nominated Trump for a third time, this time with J. D. Vance as his vice presidential running mate, a sign that Trump and the Republicans are opting for the national surveillance state in the hands of private corporations and billionaires like Peter Thiel and Palantir.

4-5:55 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours of Hartmann's program from 7/22/24

5:55 AM
Commentary from Channing Martinez, Chair of the Bus Riders Union
Martinez, cohost of Voices from the Front Lines, exposes the racist impact of Metro's latest "tap-out" pilot project, resulting in large scale arrests of Black public transit riders.

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