Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Tuesday Night

Prog Notes S H 07-24-24 Holistic Health

12 AM
About Health with David Feldman from sister station KPFA
Breaking the Rules of OCD
Dr. Kim Rockwell-Evans, a licensed marriage and family counselor from the Dallas-Fort Worth area comes on to discuss Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and her new book on the subject.

1 AM
The Herbal Highway
Making your own DIY Herbal Spray
Sarah discusses how to make and combine tinctures and other herbal essential oils to make useful plant-based or herbal sprays for yourself and your household.

2 AM
Green Street
2:30 AM
Food Sleuth Radio
Both programs look at the widespread toxins from plastics and how they affect the human body, especially pregnant women and the fetuses developing in them.

Your Health Kit
Beat the Heat
Rebecca Hoffman, MD addresses the impact heat can have on your body and how to stay cool and hydrated.

Whole Mother with Pat Jones from sister station KPFT
Taylor Lee, midwife
Pat discusses the mom about her experience as a doulah and more recently a midwife.

4-6:00 AM
Final two hours of Hartmann's non commercial broadcast from yesterday.
Plus Pacifica election news headlines

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