Thursday, June 6, 2024

Wednesday Night

Prog Notes SH 06-06-24

12 AM
For the Record with David Emory #1325
In his first new episode after a hiatus, Dave returns to legal "Chokeholds" in the JFK assassination with a two-part interview, FTR 1325 and 1326. These programs continue the presentation of the legal concept of “Chokeholds” on the JFK assassination–dynamics that prove, legally, that there was a conspiracy.
These do not necessarily resonate precisely with aspects of the historical record, which embraces, but does not delineate, principles of law.
In these broadcasts, Jim DiEugenio, Paul Bleau and Mr. Emory are joined by Matt Crumpton, one of the contributors to the book, a lawyer and author of a brilliant chapter of the volume dealing with the Oswald impersonators.
We conclude the first broadcast with a tribute to the recently-deceased Cyril Wecht and Dr. William F. Pepper (who proved in court a conspiracy in the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.).
KPFK is in our summer on-air membership and funding drive, and will again be offering David Emory's flash drive with dozens of hours of earlier conversations and interviews with Jim DiEugenio about the making of Oliver Stone's JFK, and that also has the 25-hour series on Destiny Betrayed, Jim's book. It's a thank-you gift for a pledge of $100 to support For the Record, Something's Happening, and KPFK.

1:00 AM
Grayzone Radio with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate'
Deep State Diaries
Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss Donald Trump's felony conviction and what it means for Trump's re-election hopes and a potential second Trump term. They will also Israel's rejection of Biden's call for a ceasefire in Gaza, the atrocities in Rafah, and likely US escalation of the Ukraine proxy war.
Grayzone Radio is a production of The Grayzone, an independent news website dedicated to original investigative journalism and analysis on politics and empire. Washington DC-based independent journalist and author, Max Blumenthal, founded The Grayzone and is your host on Grayzone Radio.
For more info on The Grayzone and their reporting, please go to

2:00 AM
The Final Straw Radio
Here's our interview with Shannon Clay, co-author of We Go Where They Go: The Story of Anti-Racist Action. For this episode, Shannon and Bursts o' Goodness walk through the book, covering some of the history of the network, how it evolved, challenges it faced, and invitations to discuss current day anti-fascist and anti-racist organizing on Turtle Island.
Shannon also suggests co-authors Kristin Schwartz and Michael Staudenmaier's podcast interview on The Brief about Canadian ARA history:
Featured Tracks:
- Rude Boys Gone To Jail by Desmond Baker from Rude Boy Gone To Jail / Don't Fool Me
- Lets Face It by The Mighty Mighty BossToneS
Michael Novick, interim General Manager of KPFK, and editor-publisher of "Turning The Tide" from Anti-Racist Action-LA, was a co-founder of the Anti-Racist Action Network, was interviewed extensively for the book, and contributed a lot of archival material for the book, on the history of the network and copies of publications from many of its US and Canadian chapters and various of the ARA national and regional gatherings during the late 80s, the 90s, and the early 2000s. He worked with Kristin, Lady, and Michael Staudenmaier, Clay's three co-authors, for many years in ARA . Subsequent to The Final Straw episode, Michael will reminisce about Anti-Racist Action and his prior experiences with the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee, and will offer copies of We Go Where They Go along with free subscriptions to "Turning The Tide" as a thank-you gift for donations to KPFK of $100 or more to support Something's Happening and the station.

Equal Rights & Justice with Mimi Rosenberg from sister station WBAI
Interview with Gerald Horne about repression of anti-genocide and pro-Palestinian views among university staff and professors as well as against student encampment. Includes Mimi's appeals for support for the program and the station carrying it, with a thank you gift of a Gerald Horne collection. We are offering Horne's "White Supremacy Confronted: US Imperialism and Anti-Communism versus the Liberation of Southern Africa" about settler colonialism and apartheid in South Africa, Namibia and the British settler colony of "Rhodesia" (which became free as Zimbabwe) along with I Dare Say, A Gerald Horne Reader essay collection.

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from earlier on June 5. Signed copies of Thom's book, The Hidden History of the War on Voting will be offered as a thank-you gift for donations of $100 or more to support Something's Happening and KPFK.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Tuesday Night

Prog Notes S H 06-05-24

12 AM
About Health
Mental Health
Dr. Michael Lenoir, one of the founders of the program, comes back as a guest host, sitting in for Nurse Rona Renner, and interviews psychiatrist Dr. Ron Bailey about mental health, particularly mental health challenges to Black people and to adolescents

1 AM
Herbal Highway
Well-loved Flowers
We are trimming down this episode that ran during KPFA's recent on air drive, in which they spent time appealing for funds for their station, in order to give you the essential content about edible or brewable flowers and still be able to spend some time appealing to you to support this program as part of Something's Happening, in order to keep KPFK itself on the air.

2 AM
Green Street (back to a version of its old name, instead of "Grassroots")
Big Oil's Dirty Secret
Patti and Doug Wood discuss the failure of the FDA to regulate chemicals in food, and how new language in the farm bill will prohibit states from regulating pesticides. Then author and investigative reporter Justin Nobel talks about the extremely high levels of radiation from fracking and how the industry is trying to keep it quiet.

Food Sleuth Radio
Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce
Did you know that pesticides are widely used in U.S. agriculture and residues may remain on and in the foods we eat, even after washing or processing? Join Food Sleuth Radio host and Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn, for her interview with Alexis Temkin, Ph.D., Toxicologist, at the Environmental Working Group.
Temkin discusses EWGs 2024 Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce, and the related and updated Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen Guide to produce shopping. She also discusses vulnerable populations, including children, pregnant women and farm-workers, and the multiple benefits of organic food and farming,

Related website:

3 AM
Whole Mother
Debbie Hull sits in for Pat Jones to look at care for newborns. Marly Hudanish, a Master Newborn Care Specialist (NCS), joins the program to help unpack options for care for the postpartum family. We dive deep on sleep training and how it doesn’t have to mean leaving your baby to cry it out.
More information at

4-6 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from the non-commercial broadcast on June 4, 2024
The gap between CEOs & workers is growing... PLUS, Texas professors want to fail female students who get abortions

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Monday Night

Prog Notes S H 06-04-24

12 AM Creative Frontline
Bio Char - Ancient Solution to Modern Environmental Problems
Bio char is an ancient solution to current climate and waste concerns; to modern problems in indigenous communities in Alaska
Jeff Hallowell is a former Silicon Valley engineer whose life journey took him to India where he studied ways to process human waste using BioChar, returning it to the soil.
Upon his return to the US he found many of the same problems in Alaska, where villages like Kivalina, facing poverty, lack of infrastructure, and climate change, may soon have to move. The orange goo you see along Kivalina's shores speaks volumes about temperature, industrial pollution, algae, human waste, and global heating, Jeff Hallowell, Bio Char engineer asks, If you're not part of the solution, are you part of the problem?
More information about the orange goo in aLASKA HERE:

KPFK is starting our summer on air membership and funding drive, and we're going to be asking you to step up on behalf of Something's Happening, to help keep this program and this station on the air. The Foundation determined that it needed to sell the building that housed KPFK and the Pacifica Radio Archives in order to cover accumulated debt and "aged payables," overdue unpaid bills, which necessitated that KPFK move. We have had to cover the expenses of the move, which were supposed to come from the proceeds of the sale, but the close of escrow has been delayed and we must continue to cover those expenses including rent for the new location, from current revenues. This on-air drive is critical to doing so.

1 AM
Behind the News with Doug Henwood of the Left Business Observer
Aziz Rana, author of The Constitutional Bind: How Americans Came to Idolize a Document that Fails Them, on how our founding document constrains democracy but we worship it anyway.
Info about the book here:
Some worry that the Federal Constitution is ill-equipped to respond to mounting democratic threats and may even exacerbate the worst features of US politics. Yet for as long as anyone can remember, the Constitution has occupied a quasi-mythical status in US political culture, which ties ideals of liberty and equality to assumptions about the inherent goodness of the text’s design. The Constitutional Bind explores how a flawed document came to be so glorified and how this has impacted life in the US.
In a path-breaking retelling of the "American experience", Aziz Rana shows that today’s reverential constitutional culture is a distinctively 20th-century phenomenon. Rana connects this widespread idolization to another relatively recent development: the rise of US global dominance. Ultimately, such veneration has had far-reaching consequences: despite offering a unifying language of reform, it has also unleashed an interventionist national security state abroad while undermining the possibility of deeper change at home.
Revealing how the current constitutional order was forged over the twentieth century, The Constitutional Bind also sheds light on an array of movement activists—in Black, Indigenous, feminist, labor, and immigrant politics—who struggled to imagine different constitutional horizons. As time passed, these voices of opposition were excised from memory. Today, they offer essential insights.

2 AM
Project Censored
Mickey's first guest is historian Peter Kuznick, who evaluates some of the conflicts taking place in the world (Ukraine, Middle East, South China Sea),
and finds a common thread in the abandonment of diplomacy by U.S. officials and some of their European allies. And he warns of the increasing danger that one of these conflicts (especially Ukraine) could escalate into a nuclear war.
Then press-freedom advocate Seth Stern returns to the show to explain the PRESS Act, a reporter-shield bill that has already passed the House unanimously and is awaiting action in the Senate. If enacted, it would protect journalists from being compelled to disclose confidential sources. Stern explains the details of the legislation, and cites cases of why it's needed.
Peter Kuznick is Professor of History at American University in Washington DC, and director of AU's Nuclear Studies Institute. He's also the co-author of "The Untold History of the United States." Seth Stern is Director of Advocacy at the Freedom of the Press Foundation (

3 AM
Equal Rights and Justice with Mimi Rosenberg from sister station WBAI
We The People Demand No More Genocide In Our Name - HANDS OFF RAFAH!
Netanyahu is now saying Israel will go along with Biden's cease fire plan, but the devil is always in the details. Members of his war cabinet and coalition government have said they will resign. Troops in the Israeli military have threatened to mutiny over any concessions to end the fighting and have openly disobeyed order even to remove hateful graffiti they have painted on Palestinian properties and even the rubble. What will actually remains to be seen.

4-6 AM
MOATS - The Mother of All Talk Shows with George Galloway
George discusses the British and US elections - UK is having Parliamentary elections on July 4 - interviews Garland Nixon, talks with callers, and conducts a poll on whether listeners think Trump will be imprisoned. He also interviews a Lebanese-American candidate for US Senate from Michigan who is fighting removal from the ballot over a technicality.
This trial run will continue through June. Please let us know what you think by emailing comments at Thanks!