Friday, July 5, 2024

Thursday Night

Prog Notes S H 07-05-24

12 AM
Alan Watts - The Tao of Philosophy
Wrapping up the segments from Alan Watts collection under the theme of the Tao of Philosophy we present two lectures by Watts: Limits of Language and Slices of Wisdom. Next week we will start a new group of lectures by Alan Watts on the theme of the Philosophies of Asia.

1 AM
The Magical Mystery Tour with Tonio Epstein
J. B, MacKinnon on how ending consumerism can save the environment & ourselves

Part 1 of 2
J B MacKinnon is an award winning journalist & author. His books include Plenty,with Alisa Smith, about their year of eating only food produced within 100 miles. His new book is The Day The World Stops Shopping: How Ending Consumerism Saves the Environment & Ourselves. which explores what would happen if the world stopped shopping, with examples from recent history, including the pandemic.
We also talk about why our level of consumerism in the West is the biggest cause of climate change, and how we need to be talking about it a lot more.
We also talk about examples of cultures and experiments in the West, that participate in sharing economies, and they experience a much greater sense of happiness, community engagement and quality of life.

2 AM
Old Radio Break
We have gotten requests from listeners for more science fiction in the old radio segments of Somethings Happening and are happy to oblige. Starting tonight, we will begin a run of episodes from SciFi Theater, radio adaptations of works many science and speculative fiction natables. This series is more contemporary than a lot of the old radio mystery and suspense material we have been running, from the 30s and 40s.
SciFi Theater: Sales Pitch by Philip K. Dick, author of Ubik and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, which was the basis for the Bladerunner films, followed by an exploration of fear by the visionary writer Ursula K. LeGuin, whose speculative fiction imagines alternative to current oppressive and repressive society and technology. Despite her radicalism, LeGuin was honored with a stamp last year by the US Postal Service. For some reason, they gave it a high denomination, designed for mailing multi-ounce letters, I believe 3 ounces, so it did not get into very wide circulation.

3 AM
Caroline Casey - The Visionary Activist from sister station KPFA
Astro-Jungian Mythic News
Caroline welcomes forensic, clinical and cardiac psychologist, Steve Parker. Dr. Parker is a Jungian psychologist and stone mason. He lives with his partner, Kornelia Grabinska (a Jungian Analyst), in a birch forest overlooking Fairbanks. He has lived and worked in Alaska for more than forty years, and treasures living on the edge of the wilderness. He has traveled and worked throughout the state, and has been the director of four rural mental health centers. For thirty years he worked as a forensic psychologist, seeing folks at the Fairbanks Memorial Hospital and Fairbanks Correctional Center.
He and his partner Kornelia have run a bookstore specializing in Jungian books (Silver Tree Books) and a toy store specializing in Jungian sandplay items (Happy Moose Toys.) They have taught numerous Jungian seminars, and helped start the C. G. Jung Society of Northern Alaska over ten years ago. He has been the webmaster for for many years.
He has been dealing with heart issues for twenty years, including a severe heart attack 20 years ago. Out of that heart struggle he has written a book and created a Stone Sanctuary. You can find also him on Facebook at:
This episode of the Visionary Activist was recorded either just before or during last week's debate between Biden and Trump on CNN, and Caroline spends some time envisioning a vigorous defense of climate protection by Joe Biden, and reflecting on what the stars and planets portend for Biden. As Shakespeare had it, however, the fault lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.

4-6 PM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours of the non-commercial broadcast from July 4th
Thom talks with Svante Myrick of PfAW in hour 2 of yesterday's Fourth of July show, and with Dr. Goldstein about pet health in hour 3.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Monday Night

Prog Notes S H 07-02-24

12 AM
Creative Frontline with Robert Lundahl and Tracker Ginamarie Rangel Quinone
Indigenous Plant Medicine in Zambia
Filmmaker, Journalist, Robert Lundahl interviews Dr. Oliver Mupila, internationally renowned Medical Doctor, Gerontologist, prolific Author, Environmentalist, and Human Rights Defender. Mupila has led research into indigenous plant medicine and is, himself, indigenous Lunda from Village Kameya , Chief Chibwika. District Mwinilunga North Western Zambia. He is founder of the Center of Excellence on Aging, an initiative of the Zambian International Health Alliance, of which he is CEO.
Creative FRONTLINE takes you on an eye-opening journey through indigenous plant medicine in Africa, equitable investing, and the enormous tribal reserve of pharmacological assets in Zambia.

TUC Radio:
Leonard Peltier – Prayer Vigil for his Parole in San Francisco
With Tony Gonzales of the American Indian Movement West
For the first time in 15 years, Leonard Peltier had a full parole hearing on Monday, June 10, at the United States Penitentiary at Coleman, FL. The decision whether he will be free will be rendered by mid July 2024.
Peltier is Turtle Mountain Ojibwe. He has been incarcerated for 48 years for the alleged killing of two FBI agents at Oglala on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in June 1975. For five decades, Peltier has maintained his innocence and hoped for the chance to clear his name.
Peltier had a controversial trial marred by falsified testimony, and fabricated evidence. And criticism of the trial even came from judges involved in the case.

Between the Lines
US Provocatively Permits Ukraine to Use American Weapons to Attack Targets Inside Russia; Active Duty U.S. Soldiers Appeal for Redress to Voice Opposition to the US Role in Israel's War in Gaza; "Voices from the Silenced" Play Tells Stories of Women Who Had Abortions Before Roe v Wade
Guests: Retired US Army Col. Lawrence B. Wilkerson, former chief of staff to U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell; U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Juan Bettancourt; Playwrights Martha Boesing and Victoria Rue

Shortwave Radio News Report from Dan Roberts
This week's show features stories from RADIO DEUTSCHE-WELLE, FRANCE 24, and RADIO HAVANA CUBA.
From GERMANY- Julian Assange has been released from a high-security prison in England, made to plead guilty to a single count of espionage, and returned home to Australia. Jameel Jaffer is the executive director of the Knight's First Amendment Institute, at Columbia University. He describes the deal that Julian had to agree to for his release. Jameel points out that the ruling will be used as a precedent in cases where a government wants to punish journalists for revealing information that they wish to keep secret- something reporters do frequently.
From FRANCE- There is a proposal for a 2% minimum tax that would apply to about 3000 of the world's richest people- the purpose is to balance out the fact that a great many of the wealthiest pay zero or close to zero in taxes because of shell companies and untaxed corporate stocks. France is facing snap elections for Parliament this week and next which will determine the Prime Minister who will serve under President Macron- according to latest polls the far-right National Rally is expected to win. Valerie deKamp discusses the environmental threat of a far-right victory in the current election.
From CUBA- The aid group Save The Children released statistics about the plight of Palestinian children under siege in Gaza from Israel. Israel is using internationally banned white phosphorous as a weapon in Lebanon, supplied by the US. UN Secretary-General Guterres spoke out against Israel expanding its war into Lebanon, as it could precipitate a much larger regional war.

2:00 AM
Project Censored
In a plea bargain with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, the Justice Department ended its effort to extradite him to the US for an Espionage Act trial, and Assange, freed from Britain's Belmarsh Prison to appear in a US court in colonized Micronesia, returned home to Australia a free man.
The Assange legal case is over, but what are the ongoing implications for press freedom? We hear from Kevin Gosztola, the reporter who covered the Assange case for its entire duration.
Then Mickey speaks with the three authors (also Project Censored staffers) of a new article on social media, the efforts of government and Big Tech to control or censor it (often without users' knowledge), and the countermeasures employed by online communities to maintain communications. And how might social media influence the 2024 election?
Kevin Gosztola's book on the Assange case, "Guilty of Journalism," was published in 2023. Gosztola is also the editor of the Dissenter newsletter,
Kate Horgan is Website Design & Media Assistant at Project Censored. Reagan Haynie is Social-Media Manager at Project Censored. Shealeigh Voitl is Digital & Print Editor at Project Censored. Their article, "Navigating the Digital Democracy," appears in the June/July issue of the Progressive magazine, and can be found online at

3:00 AM
Equal Rights and Justice with Mimi Rosenberg from sister station WBAI
Free the Truth: Julian Assange & The Politics Behind the Persecution & Prosecution,
The Use of the Espionage Act to Chill Dissent and Exposure of US War Crimes
Yan Gil, Venezuelan Foreign Minister speaks about supporting Bolivarian Venezuelan Sovereignty vs. US Interdictions and Sanctions in Latin America in Opposition to Self-Determination.

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program

We're back to Thom all four nights unless there is a substantial upswell in requests to bring back MOATS, the Mother of All Talk Shows with George Galloway.
There was a mixed response, more negative than positive among the few who did respond, and the one month trial run did not seem to improve or increase the audience or the financial support for Something's Happening
The Thom Hartmann program, like MOATS, is on a delayed broadcast from July 1, so you can't call in at this time. Hartmann will be on live taking calls at 9:00 AM