Friday, June 28, 2024

Thursday Night

Prog Notes S H 06-28-24

12 AM
Alan Watts
The Tao of Philosophy - Man in Nature

1:00 AM
Magical Mystery Tour with Tonio Epstein
Exile From the Kingdom of the Well
Sophie Strand is a poet, scholar and writer with a focus on the history of religion and the intersection of spirituality, mythology, storytelling and ecology. Her poems and essays have appeared in numerous projects and shes the author of The Flowering Wand: Re-wilding the Sacred Masculine: Lunar Kings, Trans-Species Magicians & Rhizomatic Harpists, and The Madonna Secret, a historical fiction novel about Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, AKA Jesus.
Amanda Palmer is a singer, songwriter, musician, and performance artist, and the author of Evelyn Evelyn: A Tragic Tale in Two Tomes, and The Art of Asking: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let People Help.
This is a live recording of an in-person conversation between Sophie and Amanda, titled "Exile From the Kingdom of the Well", followed by a Q & A session.

2:00 AM
Old Radio Break
Sam Spade
The Whistler

3:00 AM
Caroline Casey the Visionary Activist from sister station KPFA
The Moon Walks the Earth – Solstice Dedications –
Caroline co-riffs with Jerome McGeorge, fellow anarcho*astro*animist, co-founder Organic Valley to and fro, with segments, honoring the Solstice, from our first show, and our last night conversing around the Mid-Summer Night entheo bonfire……..including message from the Kogi, of Colombia, for us now! with whom Jerome spent much time, and was their guide on their first trip to America… October 20th – Nov 5th, 1999, sponsored by Organic Valley, investigative mission of discovery; bringing messages of wisdom, warning, and mutual aid…
Am anchoring Jerome, pulling on his wizard ankles, to keep him in this world…. Tis time for him to receive supportive blessing from the multiverses to which he has contributed so much immeasurable good…and a treasure trove of applied erudition…. wins a best Aries Award! Imbued with the Medicine of seeing deeply, with a kind heart…..
Agent of Green Man, Jerome McGeorge is an ally of richly cultivated, playful erudition, longtime organic*bioregional farmer, founding member of Coulee Region Organic Produce Pool (CROPP), the cooperative that is “Organic Valley” …2000 farms!
Moon walks the Earth: The Full Moon rises at extreme Southern point of horizon, will travel low to the ground…happens once every 18.6 years…..

4-6 AM
MOATS - The Mother of All Talk Shows with George Galloway
The last of our trial run of MOATS from his podcast earlier on 6/26 (so prior to the Biden-Trump debate). If you want to hear more Galloway on KPFK, please donate generously this morning, and please email with Keep Galloway in the subject line and let us know how you feel. The majority of the comment we have received up to this point has been unfavorable, and it does not seem to have attracted significant new listenership or support despite promotional efforts.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Wednesday Night

Prog Notes S H 06-27-24

12 AM
Dave Emory - For the Record
Conversations with Monty
Continuing Dave's Emory conversation with his new co-host regarding the integration of the Nazi intelligence apparatus into the global US national security state at the end and after World War II, focusing on US interests and Nazi ambitions vis a vis the so-called Middle East and Latin America

1 AM
Grayzone Radio with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate'
Peace, Peace, When there is no Peace
Aaron Mate' and Max Blumenthal discuss new mainstream coverage of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia back in 2023 amid Zelensky's bogus peace summit, Russian retaliation against US arming of Ukraine, new threats by Netanyahu against a cowering Biden administration, and Israel's continuing onslaught against Gaza.

2 AM
Final Straw Radio
An interview with Courtney of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee& Millions For Prisoners New Mexico and Roc, communications bridge for Jailhouse Lawyers Speak and residential manager at the JLS housing center to speak about the JLS call for Shut Em Down strikes inside and outside of prisons in December of 2024. We talk about abolitionism, the organizing that JLS is doing including that transitional housing project and other topics. You can find a past interview with Courtney at our website.
Then, you'll hear Monsour Owolabi, incarcerated New African political prisoner in the Ferguson Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice system sharing some perspectives on inside-outside collaboration, the role of isolation in prisons as counter-insurgency and the importance of transitional housing projects. Monsour has been involved in Prison Lives Matter, the website published his writings, and supporters have an instagram @FreeMonsourOwolabi
By putting these segments together, we are not proposing any organizational overlap between Mr. Owolabi and JLS. Featured Track: Remember Rockefeller at Attica by Charles Mingus from Changes One

3 AM
Out-FM from sister station WBAI
Challenge by Queer Puerto Ricans to Nationalist Trans/homo-phobia
Benjamin Ramos, a queer member of the ProLibertad Freedom Campaign, interviews Raphael Agosta Miranda, a trans man and EMT who represents the New York-based Juventud Unida Por la Independencia (JUPI) or United Youth for the Independence of Puerto Rico. They discuss the history and evolution of homophobia and transphobia, and the growing strength of the LGBTQ+ movement, both on the island of Puerto Rico and in Puerto Rican communities in the U.S., especially within the independence movement.
We thank Benjamin for allowing us to rebroadcast parts of this interview from his podcast series "Despierta Boricua" or "Wake Up, Puerto Ricans," on YouTube.
Queens Pride: No Pride in Genocide
LGBTQ people of color formed a Palestine solidarity contingent to march in the Queens Pride Parade for the first time on June 2; Pauline Park speaks with Naomi Brussel about the impetus for the formation of the contingent in response to the Zionist leadership of 'New Queens Pride.
Out-FM is booting Betty & ditching the Zionist group's theme song
By Pauline Park
Out-FM produces LGBT-themed programming for WBAI and has been using Together as its theme song for many years but the collective decided in pride month 2024 to boot Betty and ditch the song.
Betty is an indie rock trio that includes Alyson Palmer (vocals, bass, guitar) and sisters Elizabeth Ziff (vocals, guitar, electronic programming) and Amy Ziff (vocals and cello). As activists, BETTY uses their music to work for equal rights, peace and optimal health for all and the environment, the group declares on their website " while failing to mention their strident support for Apartheid Israel.
In many public statements as well as tweets and retweets on Twitter (rebranded by Elon Musk as X), the Ziff sisters have repeatedly conflated Judaism with Zionism. I feel sidelined No one is taking away my Jewish gay pride. When people who are waving the Palestinian flag are screaming rape their daughters and mothers, kill all Jews, and shouting other slurs at Jews, that is not about Israel, Elizabeth Ziff told the Jewish Daily Forward (Marisa Fox-Bevilacqua, Queer Zionists ask: Where are our allies?, Forward, 30 June 2021).
On May 19 of this year, @BettyMusic retweeted a tweet from Jamie Metzl (@JamieMetzl) in which he wrote, Everyone should be as concerned about these protesters marching behind the Hamas flag in Brooklyn yesterday as we would be if KKK bigots marched behind a burning cross carrying nooses or goose-stepping Nazis marched with swastikas.

On May 1, the Betty account retweeted a tweet from Josh Kraushaar (@JoshKraushaar) quoting U.S. Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) in which the Pennsylvania Democrat wrote,The protesters at Columbia demonstrated that there are two factions of the protesters " there's the pro-Hamas, and then there's the really pro-Hamas.
With Apartheid Israel's Gaza genocide having now claimed more than 37,000 innocent civilian lives, we in the Out-FM collective felt it was time to distance ourselves from this trio of Zionist propagandists who use their platform to generate support for the illegal and genocidal occupation of Palestine.
We therefore invite listeners to e-mail us at with suggestions for a replacement to "Together". We would welcome suggestions for any song with a theme of freedom and liberation and would especially encourage suggestions of songs written and/or performed by LGBTQ-identified musicians, though the songs suggested need not have specifically queer content in them. We welcome your input. Once again, that's

4 - 6 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from Thom's non-commercial broadcast on 6/26/24

Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Night

Prog Notes S H 06-25-24

12 AM
Creative Frontline
Johnny Bobb on What's Really Going On?
What’s Really Going on in the Amargosa River Basin, Ash Meadows and Beyond? Western Shoshone chief Johnny Bobb speaks on impacts to the natural ecosystem, his people and animals from nuclear testing, transport, and disposal near his home at Jomba, NV.

There are many unresolved scientific issues relative to the suitability of the Yucca Mountain site. These issues include hydrology, inadequacy of the proposed waste package, repository design and volcanism. The Yucca site is seismically and volcanically active, porous and incapable of geologically containing the nuclear waste. Even the State of Nevada is officially concerned that Yucca's aquifer drains to the Amargosa Valley, one of Nevada's most productive agricultural regions, is adjacent to a busy and growing Nellis Air Force Base, and is only 90 miles from the state of Nevada's largest metropolitan area, Las Vegas.

American Democracy Minute
NV state judge throws out fake electors case
The American Democracy Minute is a daily radio report covering voting rights, money in politics, redistricting and other critical democracy issues in Washington and in states around the country. Reports are posted Sun-Thurs by 12 pm Eastern for broadcast Mon-Fri. Brian Beihl, Host & Producer,

US Navy Vet speaks out for Palestine

Drug War News:
Officer speaks out on coercion by criminalization

1 AM
Behind the News with Doug Henwood of the Left Business Observer
Doug speaks with Steve Simon of Responsible Statecraft about Israel and the relationships with and to it of the various Arab states in the region. Then, Jennifer Berkshire, author of Education Wars and host of the Have You Heard? podcast discusses the right-wing’s latest educational ploys. More info also here regarding Marcus Brown's art installation of Wall Street as a market for enslaved people that Henwood mentions in his introduction:

2 AM
Project Censored
The Progressive magazine and Project Censored Examine the Media
The Progressive magazine dedicated its June/July issue to an in-depth look at media and media literacy,
especially in the context of the upcoming election.

On this week's program, we hear from the publisher of the venerable political journal, as well as two Project Censored staffers who took part in producing the special issue. Later in the program, Mickey and Eleanor discuss the usefulness -- and limitations -- of electoral politics.
Guests: Norman Stockwell, Andy Lee Roth, Mischa Geracoulis
Norman Stockwell is the Publisher of the Progressive ( Andy Lee Roth is Associate Director of Project Censored, coordinator of the Project's Campus Affiliates Program, and a contributor to the current issue of the Progressive. Mischa Geracoulis is Curriculum Development Coordinator at Project Censored, and was the guest editor for the Progressive's June/July media issue.

3 AM
Equal Rights and Justice with Mimi Rosenberg from sister station WBAI
Labor and Progressive Issues
The Association of Legislative Employees calls for divestment from Israeli securities. Mimi interviews ALE president Daniel Kroop and Musarrat Lamia of that union. Also, Nga Bui and Emily Woo Yamasaki of the Mobilization for Reproductive Justice discuss unions flexing labor's power to demand reproductive justice, and to protect abortion rights and women's health.

4-6 AM
MOATS - Mother of All Talk Shows with George Galloway
Galloway discusses the British, French and US elections, and recent terrorist attacks by ISIS in Russia, as well as Vladimir Putin's state visits to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and to Vietnam. In the second hour his interview focuses on Iran and possible Israeli and US military action against Hezbollah in Lebanon

KPFK Membership and Fundraising

Final week of the on-air membership and fundraising drive. Please become a sustaining member of KPFK in time to vote in the upcoming delegate elections:

Sustainers Circle
KPFK Pacifica Radio for Los Angeles, Southern California and the World