Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wednesday Night

Prog Notes S H 09 05 24

12:00 AM
For the Record with Dave Emory
Dave continues his extended conversation with his new co-host Monty

1:00 AM
Grayzone Radio
Rules Based Repression Part 1
Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss a wave of arrests of dissidents across the West, as well Pavel Durov's repression. They will also cover Max's coverage of the DNC 2024, Kamala's first interview, Hezbollah's retaliation against Israel, the continuing horror in Gaza, and Zelensky's bid to extort more advanced weapons out of the US.

2:00 AM
Final Straw Radio
Solidarity, Spirituality and Liberatory Promise on a Turtles Back
Sharing words from anarchist, author, organizer and former participant in the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army, Ashanti Omowali Alston, in the key note address at the 2024 Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair in so-called Asheville. The presentation was entitled Solidarity, Spirituality and Liberatory Promise on a Turtle's Back.
From the ACAB website:
"Trusting in solidarity, the mysterium of spirituality, and a promise from god knows where," a where that at this historical moment, might just be Palestine. What does it mean TO BE in the midst of all this right now? RIGHT NOW!
M. Ashanti Alston is a revolutionary Black nationalist, anarchist, abolitionist, speaker, writer, elder motivator. A long-time member of The Jericho Movement, he is presently an advisory board member of the National Jericho Movement and co-founding board member of the Center for Grassroots Organizing (Vermont land project). He continues giving talks and writing inspirational analyses concerning the dismantling of the myriad oppressive regimes in which we find ourselves enmeshed.
Ashanti is one of the few former members of the Black Panther Party who identifies as an anarchist in the tradition of ancestor Kwesi Balagoon (BPP & BLA). He developed abolitionist politics in the early years of Critical Resistance. He has helped save the life of a baby pig with animal liberationists, learned depth-queer politics from being challenged, and wants to see non-ego eldership partaking through sincerely loving the younger generations who truly want to CARRY IT ON.
You can find other recordings from the 2024 ACABookfair at

3:00 AM
Out-FM from sister station WBAI
We are excited to welcome the esteemed writer /poet Alexis Pauline Gumbs to Out FM, author of the magical, fascinating, inspiring new biography of poet Audre Lorde, entitled Survival Is A Promise: The Eternal Life of Audre Lorde.
Alexis describes herself as a queer, black, (self-described) troublemaker, Black Feminist Evangelist, and an aspirational cousin to all sentient beings.
Her work is grounded in a community ethic and as such has founded or been a member of UBUNTU- A Women of Color Survival Coalition to End Gendered Violence, Warrior Healers Organizing Trust, and The Earth Seed Land Collective in Durham North Carolina.
In addition she has participated in the work of Southerners On New Ground, Allied Media Projects, Black Women's Blueprint and the International Black Youth Summit.
Other titles by her include: Spill: Scenes of Black Feminist Fugitivity; M Archive: After the End of the World; Dub: Finding Ceremony

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from Hartmann's non-commercial broadcast from yesterday

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Tuesday Night

Prog Notes S H 09 04 24

12 AM
Street Sankofa with Dr. Ife Jie
Hip Hop and Health
Hip-hop artivist and scholar Dr. Ife Jie discusses recent recent deaths, including on-stage, of rappers and other performers, and health issues in the hip-hop scene, including substance abuse and other concerns.

1:00 AM
Herbal Highway
Grounding and Boundaries
Join Karyn Sanders for an exploration of grounding and boundaries and the plants that support us in this work. Previously aired 05.04.2017. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @theherbalhighway.

2:00 AM
Green Street
Hormone Disruption with Dr. Tom Zoeller
This week on Green Street, Patti and Doug talk about forever chemicals on artificial turf fields, the new court system in Texas backed by big oil, and the amount of plastic particles accumulating in your brain.
Then Dr. Tom Zoeller, one of the nation's leading experts on endocrine disruption, talks about why the government seems unable (or unwilling) to take hormone-disrupting products off the shelves that can have serious, life-long impacts on children and adults.

2:30 AM
Food Sleuth Radio with Melinda Hemmelgarn
Farm Labor, Policy and Project 2025
Did you know that a good share of dairy farms and food processors employ migrant laborers? Join Food Sleuth Radio host and Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn for her conversation with Jim Goodman, M.S., retired third-generation dairy farmer, president of the National Family Farm Coalition, and farm activist. Goodman advocates for a farmer-controlled, consumer-oriented food system. He is a frequent contributor of thought-provoking articles on farming, food, politics, trade and labor for Common Dreams.
Goodman discusses the corporate-friendly policies that fueled the economic decline in rural America, and pulls back the curtain on Project 2025.
Related Websites:
Everyone Owes a Debt to Laborers:
Project 2025:

3:00 AM
Whole Mother from sister station KPFT
Melissa Nealy, CPM, IBCLC
Melissa Nealy, CPM (Certified Professional Midwife), IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant), has been a part of the out of hospital birth community for the last decade and found her love for midwifery 14 years ago prior to the birth of her oldest daughter. She has presented at local and national conferences on the topic of lactation complications for midwives. Spending 5 years as an IBCLC she is thrilled to be able to exclusively be a midwife for the last two years. She is a homeschooling mother of 3 stunning and bright children, husband to the most supportive man (you have to be supportive if you’re married to a midwife) and the family hosts 11 mammal and reptile friends in their home. (cats, dogs, mice and snakes). She is always thrilled to speak more about her passions.

4-6:00 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from yesterday's non-commercial broadcast.
The Unholy Alliance: How Rightwing Preachers Are Weaponizing Our Courts. Plus how the GOP hopes to use 3rd party candidates to siphon off votes.