2-1 Alan Watts, "Mahayana Buddhism" Part 4 of 4
From MEA, Box 303, Olema, CA 94950. 1 (866) 492-8446. http://www.alanwattsseminars.com
1-2 Shinzen Young "Meditation on Hearing," and "Working with Vision" (1987)
From Vipassana Support International, 1 (866) 666-0874, http://www.shinzen.org (for local classes, click on 'other programs.' )
2-3 Jack Gariss "The Poetry of Consciousness"
From Bio-Meditation Society, PO Box 370157, Reseda, CA 91335. (818) 885-9677. Free catalog of programs and seminars.
INTRO MUSIC: Handel, ‘Water Music’ Tafelmusik CD
3-4 J. Krishnamurti, Ojai, 1981 Talk 2
From KFA, Box 1560, Ojai, CA 93024. (805) 646-2726. http://www.kfa.org
OUTRO MUISIC: Handel, ‘Il Pastor Fido’ Tafelmusik CD
4-5 Coleman Barks: "Rumi, Grace, and Human Friendship"
From Insights at the Edge series from Sounds True, 1 (800) 333-9185, http://www.soundstrue.com
5-6 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show"
Guest Lily Yeh, “Awakening Creativity: Dandilion School Blossoms” http://www.barefootartists.org (rebroadcast from October)
From KPFA. All info, 1 (888) 741-gods, http://www.coyotenetworknews.com
OUTRO MUSIC: Judy Collins, ‘Nightingale II’ from “Whales & Nightingales” CD