Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Tuesday Night

Prog Notes S H 05-29-24

12 AM
About Health
"American Madness"
Our mental health care system is broken. There aren’t enough psychiatric hospital beds, psychiatrists, therapists, safe out patient facilities, good follow up care, or housing for people with mental illness. Too often care isn’t coordinated, and many mentally ill people wind up on the streets or in prison. Join Nurse Rona and her guest, Dr. Alice Feller, to discuss her new book, "American Madness: Fighting For Patients In A Broken Mental Health System."

1 AM
Herbal Highway
Herbs in Community
Join Sarah Holmes and her guest Bee Nahid of Alembique Apothecary in Berkeley, CA. They discuss herbs in community, Unani medicine and much more.

2:00 AM
How the EPA regulates Toxins
This week on Grassroots, Patti and Doug talk about major universities taking big donations from the oil and gas industry, and the proposed settlement in the East Palestine disaster. Then Dr, Tracey Woodruff talks about her years at the EPA and how the government regulates toxins in the environment.

2:30 PM
Food Sleuth Radio with investigative dietitian Melinda Hemmelgarn
Purified: How Recycled Sewage is Transforming Our Water
Did you know that astronauts liquid wastes are recycled into drinking water in space? Join Food Sleuth Radio host and Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn, for her interview with Peter Annin, national water journalist, director of the Mary Griggs Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation at Northland College, Ashland, WI, and author of Purified: How Recycled Sewage is Transforming Our Water. Annin reports on multiple successful national examples where human waste is filtered, treated and transformed into vital pure water. Related website:

3:00 AM
Whole Mother from sister station KPFT with Pat Jones
Lynn Schulte
Lynn Schulte is a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist for over 30 years and she is the principle instructor at the Institute for Birth Healing. She has successfully healed thousands of women from all the issues women experience after birth and is now teaching courses to bodyworkers to help them do the same. She found a common birth pattern that shows up in the pelvis after birth and knows how to effectively release these patterns. Knowing we are more than just our bodies, Lynn works on all levels, physically, energetically, and spiritually with women to help them access their full potential.
She also teaches body-workers how to work with the energy of the body and how to access and use your intuition in your bodywork sessions. She offers a certification process to help birth professionals become Birth Healing Practitioners. Lynn holds a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from St. Louis University, St. Louis Missouri.
More information at

4-6 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Final two hours from Thom's earlier non-commercial broadcast on 5-28-2024.

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