Friday, June 21, 2024

Thursday Night

Prog Notes S H 06-21-24

12 AM
Alan Watts
The Tao of Philosophy - The Myth of Myself
Continuing a series of longer lectures by Watts

1 AM
Old Radio break - Frankenstein
A serialization of Mary Shelley's novel of scientific hubris and the misunderstood monster created in Baron von Frankenstein's laboratory from reanimated human parts. We will do 3-4 short episodes a night until completion.

2 AM
Magical Mystery Tour with Tonio Epstein
Liminal Dreaming & Exploring the Edges of Consciousness with Jennifer Dumpert
Jennifer Dumpert is a dream explorer and writer and the founder of the Oneironauticum, an international organization that explores the phenomenological experience of dreams as a means of experimenting with mind and consciousness. She also developed the concept and practice of liminal dreaming "surfing the edges of consciousness using hypnagogic and hypnopompic dream states. Jennifer Dumpert lectures and leads workshops all over the world & she's the author of a fascinating book Liminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep, that we talk about in depth.

3 AM
Visionary Activist Caroline Casey from sister station KPFA
LISTENING TO THE OCEAN with Michael Stocker
Dissolving the hubris of humans into nutrient for participatory animism….To dispel bad ideas disguised as “energy transition,” Caroline welcomes, long-time-ally, marine acoustician, Michael Stocker…(who is as though the Ocean adopted a human guise to be its voice…) What is the Ocean saying say to us now?!
Michael has served as the electronic and musical engineer on the benchmark film “Koyaanisqatsi,” and as a project development engineer for Pax Scientific, working in applied physics and acoustics – exploring how the principles of bio-mimicry can be used in fluid and air movement systems.
As founding director of Ocean Conservation Research he is using his fluency in bio-acoustics to explore the impacts of noise on ocean animals to inform ocean policy and practice toward decreasing human bio-acoustic impacts on marine habitats..
More information at Ocean Conservation Research:
Michael’s book: Hear Where We Are: Sound, Ecology, and Sense of Place

4-6 AM
MOATS - The Mother of All Talk Shows with George Galloway
Moving toward the end of our trial run, we have had a limited response so far, and it is trending more negative than positive. If you think we should keep airing the Mother of All Talk Shows, let us know by emailing comments at kpfk dot org, or better yet, by donating to support Somethings Happening and KPFK and let us know that you're in favor. Conversely, if you'd rather have us bring back Thom Hartmann for all four nights, donate and let us know that. Because without your donations, we may end up with nothing at all.

Guests include Ken Klippenstein, formerly with the Intercept, on US troops moving into Jordan in large numbers, and Chris Hedges

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