Thursday, November 17, 2016


Friday, November 18, 2016

3-4  Alan Watts,   "Zen Reconsidered” Part 2 of 4

4-5 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show:"
Caroline welcomes Ben Boyce, a community organizer and public policy advocate, co-author of the Praxis writer’s collective book (Uncivil Liberties: Deconstructing Libertarianism), creator of a monthly column entitled ‘Progressive Majority Coalition’ in The Sun newspaper, and is a regular radio contributor on ‘This Week in Politics’ on KSVY FM.   From KPFA.    Caroline's Website:

5 – 5:55  The Thom Hartmann Program
Brilliant! Are Dems plotting total support for TPP repeal - pushing Trump to do it? Or admit he is not doing it?
Article: "Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement" (TPP) by EFF
Article: "Electoral College" by Wikipedia.

Wow...Is Trump turning to "Japanese internment" expert to model a Muslim registry?
Article: "Internment of Japanese Americans" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Constitution of the United States" Article 2 section 1.
Article: "12th Amendment"

The plot to privatize the U.K.'s national healthcare system
Dr. Bob Gill (U.K), The Great NHS Heist  
Description: Description: Description: Twitter  Description: Description: Description: Twitter
Article: "National Health Service" (NHS) (UK).
Article: "The Health of Nations" by Adam Baldwin, Adam Smith Institute, August 18, 1988.
Article: "Britain's Biggest Enterprise" by Oliver Letwin and John Redwood, 1988.
Article: "Simon Stevens (NHS England)" by Wikipedia.
GoFundMe: "The Great NHS Heist Documentary" by Dr Bob Gill.

Will there be all out war on privatizing Medicare?
Article: "Could Trump Save Medicare?" by Thom Hartmann.
Book: Trump: The Art of the Deal by Donald J. Trump with Tony Schwartz.
Article: "Donald Trump's Ghostwriter Tells All" by Jane Mayer. "I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization."
Article: "Trump Tower (New York City)" by Wikipedia.

Big Picture Interview: Who Will Win the War Within the Democratic Party?
- America's Lawyer Mike PapantonioRing of Fire Radio/Law and Disorder 
Description: Description: Description: Description: Twitter Description: Description: Description: Description: Twitter

Big Picture Politics Panel: Standing Rock: Robert Kennedy Has Something Important To Tell You...
Robert Kennedy Jr.Waterkeeper Alliance  
Description: Description: Description: Description: Twitter  Description: Description: Description: Description: Twitter

Big Picture Fact: How Many Japanese Sent To Internment Camps Were US Citizens? Find Out...

Thom's Website:

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

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