12-1 Dave Emory, “For the Record #1094 - The Destabilization of China, Part 5: Pan-Turkism, Islamism and The Earth Island Boogie”
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
Program Podcasts: https://wfmu.org
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself --http://feeds.feedburner.com/SpitfireListComments
Dave Emory's entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link: http://www.kfjc.org/donate/index.php
Dave's website: http://www.spitfirelist.com
1-1:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
Chris Hedges discusses with journalist Oscar Martinez the culture of violence in Central America. Martinez’s most recent book is A History of Violence – living and dying in Central America.
Originally heard Sundays, 12:30pm
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLagVUKF7CUTRiG64CklL1AN0mbmNaETfp
1:30-2:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Ralph talks to Mark Green about the book they co-authored, entitled “Fake President,” which has been described as “an incisive, witty roadmap into the disinformation and betrayals of President Trump.” Plus, Ralph and Constitutional scholar Bruce Fein discuss how Congress has abdicated its duty to set a high bar for presidential conduct.
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm http://www.ralphnaderradiohour.com
3-6 The Thom Hartmann Program
Impeachment Wednesday...Thom offers his take on today's impeachment debate and takes your calls
Thom's Website: http://www.thomhartmann.com
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
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