Wednesday, March 6, 2013


12-2 Gary Live from last week.
‘Anti Arthritis Anti Inflammatory Handbook,’ ‘Anti Arthritis Anti Inflammatory Cookbook,’ ‘Joy of Juicing’ book, ‘Joy of Juicing DVD,’ ‘Power Chefs’ 5-DVD set.

2-3 Gary Null Progressive Commentary Hour  02-18-13PCH
Paul Levy  “Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil”,<>
Dr. Carolyn Baker “Navigating the Coming Chaos: Handbook for Inner Transition” and “Sacred Demise: Walking the Spiritual Path of Industrial Civilization’s Collapse”<>
Dr. Jim Garrison is the co-founder and president of Wisdom University &  the co-founder and President of the Gorbachev Foundation,  “Civilization and the Transformation of Power “and “America as Empire: Global Leader or Rogue Nation”.<>

3-4 Gary Null Program  02-19-13
Health Updates: common regrets of the dying; modern diet wrecks havoc with our teeth; for those who eat fish- the best & the worst.
Commentaries: Obama’s war crimes; Obama’s State of the Corporate Union address; the ever growing prison system, prisons for profit.
Reverend Matthew Fox “The Pope’s War: Why Ratzinger’s Secret Crusade Has Imperiled the Church and How It Can be Saved”.<>. The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the crisis in the Catholic church.

4-5 Gary Null Program  02-20-13
Health Updates: pending state legislation inspired by ALEC; more TV watching as kids, more anti-social behavior as adults; Chinese herb to reverse Alzheimer’s symptoms; Manuka honey vs wound infection; magnesium; neem extract may be used a anti-cancer drug; preventative natural medicine could help lower spiraling health costs.
Commentary on the economy.
“Pseudo-Protests and Serious Climate Crisis” [David Swanson<>]
Andrew Harvey, “Radical Passion: Sacred Love and Wisdom in Action”, “The Hope: A Guide To Sacred Activism”.<>  The spiritual condition of our nation & world; the need for a sacred activism to bring positive change.

5-6 Gary Null Live on KPFK

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