12-1 Dave Emory 'For
The Record #756: 'The Adventures of Eddie the Friendly Spook III, Dramatis
Personae III, The Palestinian Libertarian Organization" (Recorded Sept 29, 2013) Program info and downloads:
1-2 Alex Carey: "Corporations and Propaganda - The Attack on Democracy"
From TUC Radio, 1 (707) 463-2654, http://www.tucradio.org
2-3:30 Eben Rey, "Project Next" http://www.projectnext.us
Matthew Robinson, Mars Rover Update http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/
Saeed David Farman, Alchemy Event this weekend http://www.alchemyevent.com/ Ticket giveaway – ebenrey@gmail.com
Dr. Carolyn Dean, Fluoride in drugs kills Magnesium http://www.drcarolyndean.com
Examining the formative future. Email mailto:erey@kpfk.org>>
3:30-4 The Bioneers - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
'Disruptive Design:" What Good Looks Like'
Program information: 1 (877) bioneer http://www.bioneers.org http://www.media.bioneers.org
4:00-6 The Thom Hartmann Show
Obama should take a lesson from Reagan...
Why millennials are screwed - David Rehr, PhD http://davidrehr.com/
Ellen Ratner, Talk Radio News Service http://www.talkradionews.com http://www.goatsfortheoldgoat.com
There is no tea party...only a collection of billionaires
Program info: http://www.thomhartmann.com
OUTRO MUSIC: Judy Collins, ‘Nightingale II’ from “Whales & Nightingales” CD, http://www.judycollins.com
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