Friday, November 22, 2013


12-1  Alan Watts "Ramakrishna, Ramana, and Krishnamurti" Part 3 OF 4
From MEA, Box 303, Olema, CA 94950.  1 (866) 492-8446.

INTRO MUSIC: Handel, “ Water Music”   Tafelmusik CD

1-2  J. Krishnamurti and Jonas Salk
From KFA, Box 1560, Ojai, CA 93024.  (805) 646-2726.

OUTRO: Handel, “Il Pastor Fido”  Tafelmusik CD

2-3 Shinzen Young "A Special Kind of Nothing"
From Vipassana Support International, 1 (866) 666-0874.   (for local classes click on 'other programs).

3-4 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show"
first segment:   Medea Benjamin, author of "Drone Warfare," to stop on-going assassinations by drones…   2nd segment Caroline welcomes the return of Peter Janney , author of "Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder JFK.”    (more back-stage chorus of the dead: Nov. 22nd, 1963 also deaths of Aldous Huxley, C.S. Lewis, and the first episode of "Dr. Who," aired the next day 11.23.1963)  From KPFA.  All info: 1 (888) 741-gods,

4-6 Thom Hartmann Program
“The Big Picture” with Sam Sachs and Thom Hartmann
--NEED TO KNOW: Finally, a Day in Court to Challenge Mass Surveillance - Brett Kaufman, American Civil Liberties Union
--SCREWED: Could the NDAA reform the NSA?  John Isaacs, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation  Council for a Livable World
--BEST OF THE REST: Think the Tea Party is Crazy...?  Marshall Auerback, INET     / The Levy Institute
--DAILY TAKE: Let the Dysfunctional Plantation-Based Red States Secede
Roy interviews Thom, November 20 on his new book “The Crash of 2016”

Watch the video 'Last Hours' narrated by Thom Hartmann about the "time bomb" that is ticking underground, underwater and under ice… frozen methane that is now escaping and could trigger runaway climate change.
All Program info:

OUTRO MUSIC: Judy Collins, ‘Nightingale’ from “Whales & Nightingales” CD, 

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