12-1 Dave Emory "For the Record #765 - The Adventures of Eddie the Friendly Spook, Part 10: Shearing the Piglet ("They're Shocked, Shocked!")"
.Detailed annotated written description for this program available at http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-765-the-adventures-of-eddie-the-friendly-spook-part-10-shearing-the-piglet-theyre-shocked-shocked/ Other programs and lecture descriptions, articles, and audio files available at http://www.spitfirelist.com
1-2 Bonnie Faulkner "Guns and Butter" "Another Nineteen, Part Five" with Kevin Ryan.
From KPFA. Kevin's websites: http://www.another19.com http://www.journalof911studies.com http://www.ultruth.com
Produced and hosted by Bonnie Faulkner. Program website: http://www.gunsandbutter.org E-mail Bonnie at blfaulkner@yahoo.com
2-3:30 Eben Rey, "Project Next" http://www.projectnext.us
Sen. Ted Lieu, Sen Bill 828 ‘No NSA’ http://sd28.senate.ca.gov/
Michael Ellegion contactee on earth changes (206) 235-8402 www.michaelellegion.com
Examining the formative future. Email Eben erey@kpfk.org
3:30-4 The Bioneers - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
'Church Without a Roof: Keeping the Faith with Creation Care'
Program information: 1 (877) bioneer http://www.media.bioneers.org
4:00-6 The Thom Hartmann Program
1. Sen. Bernie Sanders, http://www.sanders.senate.gov http://www.bernie.org
In for Thom today, attorney Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio http://www.ringoffireradio.com/
2. Unemployment benefit cuts - Sam Seder, Ring of Fire Radio http://www.ringoffireradio.com/ www.Majority.fm
JP Morgan/Madoff settlement - James Kauffman, Levin Law http://www.levinlaw.com/
3. Polarization works for the wealthy - Joshua Holland, Moyers & Company http://billmoyers.com/
All Program info: http://www.thomhartmann.com
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