Friday, March 28, 2014


12-1 Alan Watts, "The Individual and the World" Part 1 of 4
From MEA, Box 303, Olema, CA 94950.  1 (866) 492-8446.

OUTRO MUSIC; Gilbert & Sullivan, ‘I’ve Jibe and Joke’ from “Yeoman of the Guard”  D’oyly Carte Opera Co. CD
SEGUE MUSIC:Judy Collins, ‘Dress Rehearsal Rag’ from “In My Life” LP
INTRO MUSIC: Shelly & Shinzen Young, ‘Anicca’ from “Songs of Love & Change” CD from VSI 1 (866) 666-0874

1-2 Shinzen Young, "Working With Emotional Pain"
From Vipassana Suport International, 1 (866) 666-0874,   (for local classes click on 'other programs) 

INTRO MUSIC: Handel, “Water Music” Tafelmusik CD

2-3 J. Krishnamurti "Nature of the Mind" #4 (concluding)
Final discussion between Krishnamurti, biologist Rupert Sheldrake, physicist David Bohm, and psychiatrist John Hidley.  Recorded in 1982.  Krishnamurti Foundation of America, 1 (805) 646-2726, 

OUTRO MUSIC: Handel, ‘Il Pastor Fido’  Tafelmusik CD

3-4 Caroline Casey, "Visionary Activist Show"
Spring Equinox Presentation at Green Fire,  San Francisco.

4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program

Do atheists qualify for protection against religious discrimination?
- David Silverman, American Atheists

Did the banksters write a foreclosure fraud 'how to' manual?
- America's Lawyer Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio  

Amber Barno, Sexy female lawyers 

Greg Palast on Exxon Valdez Spill – the real story     

Thom’s Website:

OUTRO MUSIC: Judy Collins, ‘Nightingale I & II’ from “Whales & Nightingales” CD

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