12-1 Dave Emory, “For the Record #781 - All’s Well That’s Orwell: The Ministry of Truth and the Ukrainian Crisis (Yuschenko Uber Alles)”
Detailed, annotated written description for this program available at:
Dave's website: http://www.spitfirelist.com
1-2 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Info: http://www.nader.org
2-3:30 Eben Rey, “Project Next” http://www.projectnext.us
Guest Alfred Webre, “Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe”
http://www.exopolitics.com http://www.projectmars.net http://www.ecologynews.com http://www.exouniversity.org
3:30-4 The Bioneers – Revolution from the Heart of Nature
“Heart to Heart: Women's Leadership in Transforming Culture”
Program information: 1 (877) bioneer http://www.bioneers.org
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program
Brunch With Bernie - Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) takes your calls http://www.sanders.senate.gov/ http://www.bernie.org
Bundy's friends have become the Kochs' 'useful idiots'
PLUS, the Picketty Phenomenon
- Richard Eskow, This is the Zero Hour http://www.thisisthezerohour.com/ / Campaign For America's Future http://ourfuture.org/
America's 'cold war' against Russia - Professor Stephen Cohen, The Nation Magazine http://www.thenation.com/
Update on South Sudan...The Honorable Tong Deng Aner, South Sudan Minister of Health, and Dr. Mayer Machut Ahiek, University of Juba, South Sudan join Thom in the studio
Thom's Website: http://www.thomhartmann.com
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