Wednesday, March 16, 2016



Wednesday, March 16, 2016

3:00-3:30 Greg Palast Article “Fukushima: They Knew”


3:30-4 “A Conversation with Maggie and Arnie Gundersen”

From Fairewinds Energy Education

From TUC Radio TUC<> Gundersen’s website:

MUSIC SEGUE: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ‘Inspection’ from “Reactor LP

4-4:30 Silent Summer - Professor Timothy Mousseau

What happens to the lives of birds, insects and plants in the radiation zones around Chernobyl and Fukushima?

Mousseau's website is From TUC Radio

MUSIC SEGUE: Jackson Browne ‘Before the Deluge’ from “Late for the Sky” LP

4:30-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Fukushima Panel (video)

Conversations with Great Minds with veteran anti-nuclear activists Paul Gunther and Kevin Kamps.

The Real Reason Why Trump Canceled Chicago
- Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Article: "Trumpmania

was derailed in Chicago Friday, but will Trump be able to flip the moment to his advantage?

" by Chauncey DeVega.

Article: "Donald Trump's Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles" by Monica Davey and Julie Bosman.

How to take over a political party from within....

Video: "Concord Project GOTV - the importance of precinct committee members".

Video: "Concord Project GOTV - how you become a precinct committee member".

Article: "Chinese Editorial: Trump Shows Why Democracy Doesn't Work" by Sam Reisman.

Site: Aden Forecast.

Article: "Measuring Donald Trump's Mammoth Advantage in Free Media" by Nicholas Confessore and Karen Yourish.

Article: "Progressive Leaders Urge Mass Mobilization over 'Five-Alarm Fire' Trump" by Deirdre Fulton.

Article: "What Will a Trump Presidency Look Like? The Rise of the Nazis Is a Pretty Good Guide" by Thom Hartmann.

Book: "They Thought They Were Free" by Milton Mayer.

Article: "Trump supporter Phyllis Schlafly wants to rid baseball of foreigners" by Jake Russell.

Article: "Ben Carson Wishes He'd Endorsed Someone Else, Says Trump Offered Him Admin Post" by Tommy Christopher.

Article: "Former GOP Congressmember Mickey Edwards: We Don't Have Democracy in Our Political System" by Democracy Now!

“THE BIG PICTURE” (TV) (Full Show: )

Need to Know: Mark Pocan on The People's Budget...
- Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)

Daily Take: How To Reduce Gun-Related Deaths In America by 80%

Thom's Website:

OUTRO MUSIC: Judy Collins, ‘Nightingale II’ from “Whales & Nightingales” CD

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has a printed copy at hand - 9am-5pm (818) 985-2711 ext. 0 (for operator)

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

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