Thursday, July 14, 2016


Thursday, July 14, 2016

3-4 Dave Emory, "For the Record #896 - Fara Mansoor on “The Deep October Surprise,” Part 1
Detailed, annotated written description for this program available at:

Dave's website:

ALSO: Pterrafractyl and other expert listeners are making a huge contribution, updating the website with information on many subjects that Dave doesn't have time to cover in the programs. Comments Line: comments that come in --  are a major and continuously updated source of information. Only a tiny fraction of this will ever make it into the program--it is simply too voluminous.

4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program

Why Are Libertarians Mostly Men?
Article: "Here's Why Libertarians Are Mostly Men" by Kevin Drum.
Article: "What Do the Koch Brothers Want?" (1980 Libertarian Party platform) by Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Article: "Broken windows theory" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Bernie's 7 Legacies" by Robert B. Reich.
Article: "What Bernie Sanders Gave to America Today" by The Independent Thinker.

Richard Wolff: “Imagining Alternatives”  

Last Chance to Defeat the Dark Act
Alexis Baden-Mayer, Organic Consumers Association  
Description: Description: Twitter  Description: Description: Twitter
Article: "GMO bill gets a date in the House" by Jason Huffman.
Article: "Congress Kneecaps Vermont GMO Labeling Law" by Matt Harvey.
Article: "Campbell Soup becomes first major company to start GMO labeling" by Siddharth Cavale and Subrat Patnaik.

Best of the Rest: Meet The Dark Snow Project
Professor Jason E. BoxGeological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)  Description: Description: Twitter

PLUS, The Environmental Threat of TTIP Exposed
- Ben Beachy, Sierra Club Responsible Trade Program  Description: Description: Twitter  Description: Description: Twitter

Thom's Website: 

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