Friday, December 16, 2016
Alan Watts, "Do You Do It or Does It Do You?" Part 2 of 4
(AW) All info:
4-6 The Thom Hartmann Program
Newt Gingrich & GOP Can't Wait to Destroy FDR's Legacy...WTF?!
Article: "Gingrich brags that Republicans are coming for everything FDR accomplished" by Ian Millhiser.
Book: The American Revolution of 1800: How Jefferson Rescued Democracy from Tyranny and Faction - and What This Means Today by Dan Sisson with Thom Hartmann.
Article: "New Deal" by Wikipedia.
Speech: "Remarks at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.", November 19, 2015 by Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Article: "Net neutrality" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Meshnet activists rebuilding the internet from scratch" by Hal Hodson.
Article: "Mesh networking" by Wikipedia.
Video: How Fox Brainwashed My Dad.
Documentary: The Brainwashing Of My Dad.
Speech: "Madison Square Garden Speech", President Franklin D. Roosevelt, October 31, 1936. "I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master."
Book: "The Crash of 2016: The Plot to Destroy America--and What We Can Do to Stop It" by Thom Hartmann
Speech: "Address at the Democratic State Convention, Syracuse, N.Y.", President Franklin D. Roosevelt, September 29, 1936. "Let me warn you and let me warn the Nation against the smooth evasion which says, "Of course we believe all these things; we believe in social security; ..."
Letter: "to Edgar Newton Eisenhower, November 8, 1954" by Dwight Eisenhower. "Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
Did the GOP's Plan to "Drive Satan Out of Power in DC" Backfire?
- Jeff Sharlet, The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power
Article: "Dozens of members of Congress met with religious right pastors to drive satan out of power in the Capitol" by Kyle Mantyla.
Law: "Johnson Amendment" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Trump's catering worked: Why the Christian Right is head over heels about him becoming president" by Alex Kotch.
Bible: "Matthew 25".
Book: God's Chaos Candidate: Donald J. Trump and the American Unraveling by Lance Wallnau.
Article: "Cyrus the Great in the Bible" by Wikipedia.
Book: The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.
Article: "Prosperity theology" (prosperity gospel, health and wealth gospel) by Wikipedia.
Article: "Anders Behring Breivik" by Wikipedia.
Big Picture Interview: The GOP NC Coup Is Stunning!
- Mike Papantonio, America's Lawyer/Ring of Fire Radio/Law and Disorder
Big Picture Panel: The Goal Of The GOP Is To Tear Down The New Deal...
- Kymone Freeman, We Act Radio/Black Lives Matter DC
- Angela Morabito,
Big Picture Fact: What Just One Tree Can Do...
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