12-1 Dave Emory, "For the Record #1073 - FTR #1073 Azov on Our Mind: Ukrainian Fascism Extends Its Tentacles (Return of the Prodigal “Black Sun”)
For a complete, annotated, written description of this program go to:
You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts-an excellent source of information in, and of, itself -- http://feeds.feedburner.com/SpitfireListComments
Dave Emory's entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive. The new drive is a 32-gigabyte drive that is current as of the programs and articles posted by early 2016. Link: http://www.kfjc.org/donate/index.php
Dave's website: http://www.spitfirelist.com
1-2 Alan Maass, "The Case for Socialism" #1
Alan Maass is the editor of Socialistworker.org, a daily website of news and opinion, and the Socialist Worker newspaper. He is the author of The Case for Socialism.
From Alternative Radio 1 (800) 444-1977, www.alternativeradio.org
2-2:30 Chris Hedges, "On Contact"
George Galloway, socialist and former Member of Parliament.
Originally heard Sundays, 12:30pm
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLagVUKF7CUTRiG64CklL1AN0mbmNaETfp
2:30-3:30 The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Green New Deal. Rhianna Gunn-Wright, policy director of New Consensus and S. David Freeman, author of “All Electric America”
Initially heard on KPFK Mondays 2 pm
3:40-5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program
Midday's w/Mark...Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District) & Co-Chair, Congressional Progressive Caucus Talks Issues of the Day w/Thom and Takes Your Calls for the hour...
Will Trump Win on Racism...Or Not?
Will Trump Lose Women Voters in 2020?
Thom's Website: http://www.thomhartmann.com
For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.
5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar
KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711
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