Tuesday, January 14, 2020




12-12:15 Daniel Sheehan: “Don't wait for 2020 Hindsight" (Jan. 22, 2019)”

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqaMkjvsDTQ

12:15 - 3 Danny Sheehan, "The JFK Assassination" #17

"Theory #9- '7 Days in May'- Joint Chiefs of Staff Coup" (Nov. 21, 2013, one day before the 50th anniversary in 2013)

Class lecture given at University of California, Santa Cruz.

www.romeroinstitute.org www.danielpsheehan.com

3-3:15 Danny Sheehan, ‘Don’t Wait for 2020 Hindsight’ (Jan. 22, 2019)

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqaMkjvsDTQ



Conscious Life Expo: Info & Tickets: www.consciouslifeexpo.com (800) 367-5777

Sheehan: Paid Workshop: 'Awakening in the New Paradigm'

Saturday, February 8, 4pm

George Noory Forum, 'What I Believe'

Sat., February 8, 12-2pm (12 participants including Sheehan)

UFO Panel Discussion

Sunday, February 9, 10am-noon (8 participants including Sheehan)


3-3:40 Science Fiction Break

"The Mysterious Traveler: 'The Most Famous Man in the World' " by Robert A. Arthur & David Kogan

511120 ( Mutual Broadcasting Co., June 5, 1951)

3:40- 5:55 The Thom Hartmann Program

Is America Now Officially a Sh*thole Country? / PLUS, Trump Asks Court to Delay the Demise of Healthcare Until AFTER Re-Election...Do Trump Supporters "Get" that Millions of Them Will Be UNINSURED if That Happens?

Trump's Lies Could Start WWIII...Should He Be Impeached About THAT Too?!

Texas Warns Of An Incel Revolution...WHY Is This Happening? / PLUS, How the Fossil Fuel Oligarchs Are Trying to Deceive An Entire Nation On Fire...

Thom's Website: http://www.thomhartmann.com

For free daily Newsletter listing dozens of links to websites, documents, videos, and articles pertaining to the day's broadcast sign up on Thom's website.

5:55-6 KPFK Community Calendar

KPFK Switchboard has written copy at hand - M - F 9am-5pm, 1 (818) 985-2711

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