Friday, December 17, 2021



(Fund Drive)

12-6 Beethoven Special Night

To celebrate Beethoven’s Birthday (Dec. 16) we will spend the night with “Beethoven: His Spiritual Development” by J.W.N. Sullivan, read by Dudley Knight and featuring the “spiritual development” of his music which will send you to higher plateaus as we hear the evolution of his life’s journey and the increasing profundity and power of his music as he developed. One of Sullivan’s emphases is that he grew organically as his work, meaning that it got better and better and the best was last; despite his painful life experience.

By a remarkable coincidence, the reading, which is 11 1/2 hours long but on a single mp3 disc, is available as a gift for a $100 subscription. (It can be played on a CD player manufactured since 2006) We have been ‘restricting’ it for December for some years. I produced it in 1979 working on weekend nights. The book has been of great benefit and importance to me for decades; it was written in 1927 by Sullivan who was a science reporter for the London Times. The book is still in the bookstores.

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