Friday, December 1, 2023

Thursday Night

Prog Notes S H 12-01-23

12 AM

Alan Watts

Of Time and Death

Watts discusses the subjective nature of time as we contemplate mortality


Old radio break

The FBI In Peace and War – “Dumb Luck”

1 AM

Sounds True – Tami Simon

Stephen Aizenstat: Increasing Your Imaginal Intelligence

When we’re children, we’re encouraged to use our imagination. Yet over time, we tend to leave the imagination behind and emphasize logic and rational thinking. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with Pacifica Graduate Institute founder Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., about reclaiming the vast resources of our imagination and boosting what he refers to as imaginal intelligence.

Covering fascinating insights in his new book, The Imagination Matrix, Tami and Professor Aizenstat discuss: imaginal intelligence—the capacity to evoke imagination; how curiosity opens a different quality of being in the world; imagination and the neuroplasticity of the mind; the Dig—Aizenstat’s term for journeying into the matrix of the imagination; the practice of Dream Tending; active imagination and the work of Carl Jung; the autonomy of the deep imagination; two questions that shift us from the person-centric view of our dreams; the sense of support and belonging we find through dreamwork; how imagination evokes innovation, creativity, and motivation; the four quadrants of the Imagination Matrix—Earth, Mind, Machine, and Universe; “the place of confluence” and accessing the gifts of the imaginal realms; dreamwork as complementary medicine; the Wounded Healer; listening to the stories coming forward at this time in human history; and more.

Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at

Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is the founder of Pacifica Graduate Institute, Dream Tending, and the Academy of Imagination. For more than 35 years, he has explored the power of dreams through depth psychology. He has collaborated with Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman, Robert Johnson, James Hillman, and Native elders worldwide. He conducts dreamwork and imagination seminars throughout the US, Europe, and Asia. For more, visit

2 AM

The Magical Mystery Tour

Why Can't We Be More LIke Trees, the Ancient Masters of Cooperation, Kindness & Healing with Judith Polich

Judith Polich is a former lawyer, environmentalist, wetlands advocate and advisor to the New Mexico state parks on climate change resilience and mitigation. She holds a master’s degree in environmental studies and environmental education from the U of Wisconsin. She writes a climate change column for the Albuquerque Journal and is the author of Return of the Children of Light. Her new book is Why Can’t We Be More Like Trees: The Ancient Masters of Cooperation, Kindness & Healing, which details the new and emerging understanding of trees’ and plants’ social and emotional intelligence, and new narratives that will help reframe and unravel the deeper causes of the climate crisis and also help co-create a new and more conscious world.

The Magical Mystery Tour is a show that dives into the heart of things exploring new ideas and new ways of seeing and being in this wondrous crazy world we share together. New shows are available weekly by Monday. Contact Tonio at 802-229-5123 or

3 AM

Visionary Activist -Caroline Casey

Redemptive Thanksgiving of spiraling Blessings out into the World…

Caroline, with some great music, reminds us that Thanksgiving not just a hallmark card smiley face on top of colonial destruction of Indigenous people and their kinship with Flora Fauna Fungi, but tis astrologically timed as first Thursday (Jupiter’s Day) after Sun enters Sagittarius = Jupiter’s sign.. So ‘atis an assignment to engage in blessing… for every humbling horror in world we gather to animate the antidote blessing… that lays the path for tangible good to unfurl….

Tune in on the web or Pacifica Radio Station KPFA (94.1 FM) in the San Francisco Bay area. In Southern California, you may hear a late night rebroadcast of The Visionary Activist Show on Roy of Hollywood’s Something’s Happening show on KPFK (90.7), Fridays at 3:00 am. Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly gifts in return! $4/month ~ Weekly Astrological Chart & Guiding Themes from Caroline related to our radio broadcast and the memes of now.

Intro and Outro Music: Amikaeyla Gaston (vocals) & Jaqui MacMillan (drums)

Midpoint break music: Betty Ball’s blues by Taj Mahal (on album ‘Conjure’)

4-6 AM

The Thom Hartmann Program

Final two hours from Thom’s non-commercial broadcast earlier on 11/30/23

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