Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Monday Night

Prog Notes S H 02-06-24

12 AM

Creative Frontline

Rains, High Water, Spring Chinook Move Upstream.

 Tracker reports from Matilija Canyon - One site of Gov. Newsom's Proposed Salmon Recovery Initiative Removing Matilija Dam.

Through Rain and High Water, our brilliant producer, Tracker Ginamarie Rangel Quinone succeeded in visiting the swollen Ventura River at risk of evacuations, law enforcement actions, flooding and rain rain rain to bring you this timely and relevant report on Governor Newsom’s initiative to remove three more dams in the state of California in addition to 4 on the Klamath, and rebuild ecosystems and networks of waterways and corridors for species migrations in our beloved landscape. Tracker also discusses rebuilding Steelhead runs on the connected LA River through Downtown LA and Pasadena’s Arroyo Seco. This is truly great work by Tracker and it’s not the first time!

We view the landscape, political, tribal, policy, and environmental featuring clips from Elwha River Elders, site of the first large scale industrial "high head" dam removal in the world. Tracker fought her way through the storms to get the report. Way to go Tracker! Follow up reports based on the research and experts talked with will ensue.

12:30 AM

Between the Lines with Scott Harris

International Court of Justice Orders Israel to Prevent Acts of Genocide in Gaza War; Fighting to Reform U.S. Mass Incarceration from Inside the System; Argentina’s Unions Respond to President Milei's Extremist Program with General Strike

Featured speakers/guests: Robert L. Herbst, is a civil rights lawyer in New York; Nneka Jones Tapia, managing dir. of justice initiatives at Chicago Beyond, former warden of Chicago’s Cook County Jail; Pablo Pryluka, Doctoral Candidate in the Department of History at Princeton

1:00 AM

Behind the News with Doug Henwood of the Left Business Observer

Doug conducts three interviews in the hour: Sean Jacobs explores why South Africa brought the genocide case against Israel. Eric Blanc discusses organizing labor in a scattered and atomized society. Hassan El-Tayyab speaks about the widening war in the Middle East

More info: https://www.newschool.edu/international-affairs/faculty/sean-jacobs/ https://laborpolitics.substack.com/p/how-sprawl-and-suburbs-have-upended


2:00 AM

Project Censored

Exploring Press Freedoms: Updates on Julian Assange’s extradition

We welcome back to the program independent journalist Kevin Gosztola, author of Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange. Gosztola joins the program to discuss the latest updates on Assange’s extradition case, the CIA spying lawsuit and a Congressional resolution process that’s begun. Later in the program we air a conversation between Kevin Gosztola and our cohost Eleanor Goldfield from last year. Kevin joined Eleanor at Red Emma’s in Baltimore to talk about his book, Guilty of Journalism.

3:00 AM

Equal Rights & Justice with Mimi Rosenberg from sister station WBAI

Colonialism = Genocide explores the connections between Palestinians, Indigenous movements in US, and resistance to South African apartheid-colonialism. Features Ward Churchill, a Native rights activist, scholar, and author of A Little Matter of Genocide: Holocaust Denial in the Americas, 1492 to the Present. Ronnie Kasrils, of Jewish descent, was a military commander in the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, became Minister of Intelligence Services in the post-apartheid government, and served on the central committees of the African National Congress and the South African Communist Party.

4-6:00 AM

The Thom Hartmann Program

Final two hours from Thom’s earlier broadcast on 2/5/24
Thom looks at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a right wing outfit that crafts and gets passed uniform state legislation in many states, pushing a pro-corporate agenda.

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