Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tuesday Night

Prog Notes S H 08-07-24

12 AM
About Health
Dr. David Feldman interviews Dr. David Rico, author of a new revised edition of How to Be an Adult in a Relationship about maturity in relationships (romantic, friendly or familial). Rico is a therapist using psychological and spiritual elements from a Jungian perspective. The subtitle of his book is Five Keys to Mindful Loving.

1 AM
Herbal Highway
Rethinking Rosemary

2 AM
Green Street
Chemicals impact on Pregnancy and fetal development
This week on Green Street, Patti and Doug Wood talk about the impact of petrochemicals and plastics that mimic hormones on gestation and maternal and child health.

2:30 AM -4 AM
To Hell and Back: The Last Train from Hiroshima
Chapter 3 Setsuko

4 AM
To Hell and Back: The Last Train from Hiroshima
Chapter 4 And the Rest Were Neutrinos

5 AM
The Thom Hartmann Program
Hour two of the previous day's non-commercial broadcast, on delay.

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